It's the free-range chocolate chips, I swear...

May 19, 2009 13:49

So Melissa has finished yet another year of college...and she's back in Ohio until this Thursday, when she'll be going down to Washington D.C. for her internship at the Smithsonian. (Yes, I am jealous as all hell!)  Family visits are always fun, and my mother was sweet enough to help me run errands in the car, fit a suit she's making for me and pick up a 100-year old trunk.  I know I'd go crazy if I had to live at home again, but the visits never seem to remind me of that - they're all about help, hugs and unlikely phrasing.  Yes, free-range chocolate chips are among us.  Along with the fragile dingle-ball.

Can't believe the weather this week though - barely 50 on Monday, with a frost this morning, and then 90s by Thursday.  Thanks, Mother Nature.  I needed to be reminded that those jokes about New England weather are really truth...and a lot funnier when you're not living through it!

Oh, and note to anyone who cared about my previous rant - My library is NOT closing.  Thank you Quincy.

family, weather

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