Nov 28, 2005 18:28
I don't like calling my Dad to talk about money.
He's obligated to pay alimony until I'm finished with school, but since I'll be eighteen then (I turn eighteen in the end of January), the alimony will be paid directly to me.
So Dad wants the whole arrangement to be between me and him. He rings me and asks me if this or that sum of money is okay. Which is hard, because I don't really feel like I'm supposed to take care of this and make the decision about what sum of money is okay and acceptable, because I don't know how much money he earns and on the other hand, I feel that I must take care of this on my own since the money is paid to me.
It's a sucky situation to be in, especially because Dad gets really short and cuts me off when I say something about it that he doesn't like. He's not the biggest greatest talker, but I'm used enough to it to know the difference between him being himself and him cutting me short. When I told him that I didn't want to agree on a sum of money before Trygdekontoret had figured out how much he is supposed to pay according to his salary, his tone got really short. He said Okay and Good-bye almost immediately and hung up and didn't even return my wishing him a nice evening.
I love him because he's my Dad and a good guy after all, but sometimes he makes me very sad.