Jun 12, 2005 18:21
I've learned so much this year...and going with everyone else's entries about school ending, I think I'll do the same..
I have come to accept the fact that you can't control everything that happens in your life. Everyone knows that, but it's a whole other thing to actually accept it. Life isn't going to be the way I wish it was all the time, and thats something else that I've learned to accept too...but sometimes you don't have to deal with it. Everyone says you do, but sometimes just listening to music and laying on your bed for an hour not thinking whats going on,is the best cure for anything. Good friends are also a good cure for anything. This year, I've come to see who my true friends are, best friends or just friends...there's something to be said for having a friend to you can talk to when things go down whether it be with school, guys, family..anything. I may not be the BEST FRIENDS FOREVER with every girl at my school, but I will always have their back, and I know they have mine...I've come to accept accept the fact that life can be up, and life can be down. There was a point in time this year where everything was perfect for me, and then it cycled down and now it's back up...but whats more important than the ups and downs is how you deal with them. If you can have the same confidence and faith in yourself when life isn't that great, as you do when it's awesome then thats far better than just 'dealing'.
I've also learned that just because one thing is bad, or even horrible, doesnt mean that your life is over and youre gunna die and go to hell. When stuff gets horrible, you've still go alot of other things going for you, whether you can see it or not.
Another thought, you have to be the type of person you want to be, before others can see you that way.
So much has happened, tons of shit, but tons of great things too. I'm not really sure how I feel about life right now. Alot of up and some down..the most important things I've learned this year, are that 1. Friends are the best things to have in your life. and 2. To stop worrying about everything, stop worrying about even the things that are worth worrying about. everything will happen thats supposed to happen, just go with it, and stop stressing.
It's easy to say I guess, but I think I really need to start listening to my own advice more often.
Alright peace out kids.