[10-10-10. A Run for Pasig River] CTSI Logistics' call for Volunteers

Oct 10, 2010 16:04

I'm quite sure most people here have heard of the "10-10-10: A Run for Pasig River" Event this coming October 10, 2010 (really now.. I'm sure most of you got what 10-10-10 means xD). CTSI, the company that I'm currently working with, is this event's logistics partner and we are in need of volunteers who would help us in the logistics process. This includes the collection and retrieval of the runners' baggages.

Here is a video made by our Corporate Communications for you guys to better understand the event and our call for volunteers. Please do take time to check it out and help us =) I will be part of the Logistics Team (from what I know I'm currently assigned in MOA station as team captain)

For those interested, please do send me a message so I can forward your names to our Corporate HR. Runners are still accepted of course but as of now, we are very much in need of Logistics volunteers.

Thanks a lot and hope to see you at the event!

image Click to view

For more information about the 10-10-10 event, please visit: http://www.101010runforpasigriver.com/

!event, !announcement

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