LPS single review

Mar 09, 2018 19:14

I did review NEVERLAND album. Really. It concluded to a half-baked work, with some details neatly in place then chunks of phrases huddled under bullet points just to look outlined. After a year I ditched the writing effort, and it's sad because it's my favorite album! (so far. There are news of a 2018 album that I can't say as promising as the 2017 and 2016 ones, if based on the title--"EPCOTIA"--let's leave it at that.)

But there's no reason to not write about NEWS' 1st single of 2018. This year is the group's 15th anniversary! Let's have an early celebration, in the form of indulging in love, peace and smiles.

Title: LPS
Date: January 17, 2018
Tracks: 5

►L-R: Regular Edition and Two Limited Editions jacket covers◄

General comments

LPS stands for "Love Peace Smile", if the paragraph above did not give enough clue. The single is both expected and unexpected in its 5-track content, with the first and second track used in NEWS' biggest self-produced project yet; then one new song in the form of a ballad, and two old song remakes which could possibly cover much of their old discography soon with every release.

NEWS' musical identity is invested in concepts--hence, their own description of their songs having a "strong worldview". LPS the single, although the title track is rhythmically weak, demonstrates NEWS' mastery of showing the strong worldview image. The tracklist has songs gentle to somber (with the exception of idiosyncratic NEWSICAL) yet NEWS made a twist by using edgy jacket photos--just when you thought they'll use the mirror costumes in NEWSICAL which are more suitable for the theme, they instead invested in spunkier visuals.

The music video is an outdoor one I am always wishing for (it's been a while since the last!). LPS is one of NEWS' simplest PVs and the only thing you can boast about it is how it was shot in just one take. Or you can boast about how beautiful it actually is. Beside the sea at sleepy dawn, it enfolds intimacy not found in their other videos no matter how demonstrative the concepts and choreo have been.

Speaking of other concepts/choreo, LPS is also a striking contrast to its Single predecessor, EMMA. The latter borderline lewd; LPS on the other hand is an A-side only usually found in album B-sides, a refreshing song of encouragement with a wintery feel. Personally, I would have preferred NEWSICAL to be the A-side for it is the biggest showcase by NEWS when it comes to material production. Except that the group is still a pop band, and a musical number might be too unstructured to be a face of a pop release. LPS' charm is that we get a laidback single at an appropriate time. The contents, in actuality, are geysers of NEWS' accumulated expertise in singing songs in their own brand.

Song by song comments

01 LPS or "Love Peace Smile" is the fulfillment of a holiday song for NEWS, because other Johnny's groups have at least one song about Christmas. Although the song doesn't have a specific yuletide-related object in its lyrics, LPS is a featured song in the Christmas musical NEWSICAL. Its lyrics convey the common "standing strong in face of obstacles" message; however, it centers on a catchy phrase, which is again Love, peace, smile.

Like many of NEWS' recent songs, LPS is in a high key--but at least for males. It is in an easygoing key for females and children, equaling the beat of steady walking pace highlighted by beatbox (the instrument), acoustic guitar, electric bass and children chanting. It is a winter jam which elements of Pop and slow HipHop sound fresh at any season.

I have a persisting comment about the song that maybe deserves to be mentioned here: I love Tegoshi's intro. It is the kind which can restore your faith in humanity~ ♥ Exaggerated comment aside, the lack of exaggeration in the way he sings this part is the point. It sets the way for what the song should be; for what it means. Massu briefly harmonizes on the fifth bar, taking the upper harmony in a mild manner--it is one of the most innocent deliveries in NEWS' recent history.

The crisp sound doesn't end in the vocalized introduction. Enter Koyama and the drop of pitch in the first verse, the comfortable reach of his voice glides smoothly within the lower ranges of the song. Then back at Tegomass' harmonization, then Shige's distinct rough vocals build the tension into the higher ranges of the chorus. The chorus is that rare thing where all the members have equal individual lines, and it is sung so evenly and connected that there is no voice that outshines another's solo part!

The second verse contains my favorite line in the song, sung by Massu. It only isn't the pounding lyrics (それでも希望は胸に / 'くそったれ'はゴミ箱に *Despite that, hope is here in your chest / Put the “crap” in the trash*) but the short pause then roll of the beatbox defines the line's intensity. The second verse and the second chorus shuffle the solo divisions, nonetheless consistent in dynamics. In the interlude before the final chorus is a sentimental part of the back-up singers--children's voices, one which skillfully adapt to NEWS' discography ever since NEWSニッポン; but how NEWS have come a long way, tackling a song as a 15-year old veteran group!

In the final chorus, the members finally sing in unison. The song finishes in a sudden resolve, a tonal cliffhanger; I thought at first listen that it lost the momentum it gracefully built up; but it grew on me through repeated exposure. I couldn't think of a better ending anyway.

02 NEWSICAL is the biggest milestone for NEWS, musically, in their idol career. Even though it is common for Japanese idols to participate in stageplays, in doing music production the stigma is that idols producing is a mere display of popularity, not actual artistry.

But pulling off a musical is feasible if you have members such as NEWS members. A well-rounded author, an emerging fashion stylist, a known singer in the idoldom, and a trusted newscaster--each member has capabilities to conceptualize the framework and execute the whole work. Shige was in charge of the story, set, and even the music. Massu made the costumes. Tegoshi handled the recording technicalities and Koyama was the lead actor, taking most of the recitatives and different blockings in the production.

It'd be a huge pleasure to review the musical in its essence as a theater play but since this is a music review, my comments ultimately touch on the 'music' aspect. NEWSICAL, it seems, has a sound inspired by many other musical scores, and it actually is.

The musical started with Santa Tegoshi, Santa Massu and Santa Shige speaking (to be exact, dubbing) their identical lines one after the other; the background music is a chorus singing what sounds like an allegro march. Remove the spoken lines and the song is actually sampled from the song Christmas Eve by Yamashita Tatsuro, futhermore from the famous chamber music piece Canon In D by Pachelbel. Only Tegoshi's multiple harmony recording is arranged in... A Major. NEWS once did a classical rip-off with 四銃士 (Yonjuushi) so I can't complain how Canon in D is overrated, when it is put to good use.

The choral intro is the tip of the iceberg. Spanning 16 bars (or 8 bars if the time signature is 4/4), the musical formally starts with an orchestral overture that could be an alternative to Star Wars soundtrack, with its elegant forte brass and bass drum pounds. That, and Santa Koyama makes his appearance and recites his first lines. The key has changed to C Major.

It systematically shifts to a Christmas-tuned Swing. This part is so sweet yet so brief: TegoMassuShige do a three-part harmony, in the line そうさ、俺たちゃサンタクロース (That's right, we are Santa Claus) with Tegoshi singing the melody, Massu singing the upper harmony, and Shige blending the highest! The piece is charming in itself, a merry 40's Doo-wop.

As the story progresses, the genre transitions to an A minor Funk, accommodating the sharper choreography and Koyama's long script. Notable in the background is the trumpet work adding flourishes with both high and low struts.

However, according to the plot twist, the countdown to Christmas led to Halloween. Lyrically, clever. "Stop time 1224 / Hello, babe 1031" sounds cryptic yet straightforward. Afterwards, a line under voice distortion represents the scare factor, adding a short intermission of a piano in minor scale, and a trombone and tuba syncopation that ultimately leads to an intense chorus.

I'm actually unsure of the sections where the overlapping vocals recorded by Tegoshi are situated, but I assume the Halloween chorus belongs to it. Taking cues from BYAKUYA, a staggering wave of male voices along the cut time (2/2) time signature; these voices polished in synths, shares a call and answer situation with the reprise of the earlier Swing part backing up Koyama's distressed spoken lines before the climax of the musical.

As such, a long drum roll causes a 360-degree turn to the Finale which has some resemblance with the song New York by Frank Sinatra. It ends lightly, a little slow than the beginning--for after all the action, Christmas becomes calm in Santa's care.

All in all, NEWSICAL isn't a true innovation of style, but with the different musical elements combined and the separate clever affair of the lyrics, it is a fine and engaging production.

03 madoromi, which is in fact written that way, is NEWS' finest ballad since 勿忘草 (Wasurenagusa). This isn't just a personal opinion, but a comment from other fans that I basically agree on. The two songs have an uncanny similarity of being some of the slowest and shortest ballads, sapient in instrumentation and contemplative in melodic contour. While 永遠 (Eien) is another similar song in tempo and duration, there are parts with layered vocal arrangement that couldn't be paralleled with the full bareness of the two.

madoromi is far from Wasurenagusa either. Two choruses (which is more pop-standard) versus one. It is for this reason that I like it more than the older track; there's a stronger resolution here, only if by means of fading sound in a stereotypical chord progression.

The song is composed by female composer Kaco, whose style is commended by Shige. He interestingly had a fateful encounter of her music just before she was asked to compose a song for NEWS. The title meaning "slumber", most singing parts are vocalized to almost whispers and wisps of stringed instruments join the enigmatic rhythm. The piano, as with most ballads, is the principal accompaniment. It starts the song in 1-5-8 arpeggios which sound very mystic as it is paired with the rhythm of what appears like an irregular heartbeat. It happens in a sluggish tempo so rather than giving a nervous effect, it is already on its way to sound melancholic.

The first line is Shige's and the next is Koyama's. After the first chorus, the first line goes to Koyama and the second to Shige. Tegomass also gets the same part-swapping in the prechoruses and choruses. I think I haven't said this in any review, but what I love about NEWS songs is that they have some of the most excellent line distributions. madoromi highlights the vocals of the two best singers of the group and gives enough room for the other two to make their lines memorable. The genre of the song doesn't fit Shige's tonal character, but his part does give him credit for being a bit different. Koyama is a little on the over-enunciated side but it works too, balancing Shige!

But here is Tegoshi in his comfort zone and Massu at his best. Tegoshi has a tendency to prolong his lower notes to feign some stability, but the shift on the higher register ranges from cold to dramatic; it's amazing how he can do different tone colors on limited lines. Massu gives justice to the song's meaning... The way he glides to his falsettos, in a voice that's almost breaking, and springs of enthusiasm before and after the build-up, not quite reaching the truest emotions but almost there--like giving it all then holding it back. When I read the translation of the song I understood "slumber" as a connotation of passing away (please correct me if I misinterpreted it). Massu's delivery is really heart-wrenching.

Aside from the members' skill, there is a lot of changing dynamics in such a short piece. The aforementioned strings do a couple of crescendos and diminuendos, interweaving the piano parts that play middle to high scales, emphasizing what lightness could there be in a song, contrasting its heavy meaning.

04 チェリッシュ -Represent NEWS mix- is expected to sound like the earlier Represent NEWS mixes first heard in Sakura Girl and I・ZA・NA・I・ZU・KI: no changes in the arrangement at all, just the members' voices sounding more mature singing the exact karaoke copy of these songs. Cherish, one which evolution is something familiar with the 8nin, 6nin, and 4nin versions, is tamer and even immensely relaxed in this new studio version.

This being said, what was Cherish back then? It was young. A sweet love song sung in the eyes of rather less romantic, more innocent perspective of teenage boys cheering on the person they like, to have courage and do their best. What is Cherish now? After all of what NEWS had experienced; the crises, the comebacks, new directions, bolder sound; it remains to be that love song which innocence is filled with tantamount substance as the members re-record the song in their 30s. It didn't change so much, it just aged well. The vocal texture is thicker, resulting in fuller low notes and ease on the mid-range. The unison choruses are ironed and intact, and the individual member parts have varying levels of "chill".

Massu tries to stick to his original execution that results in a half-familiar, half-refreshing solo lines and ad libs. He maybe wants to capture the original feeling more than showing a new way of singing the song. Koyama, on the other hand, sings by his means of emotional delivery, which leaves a short but sweet trail of nuances after his lines, through soft vibratos. Tegoshi is the most energetic, nonetheless pacing with with the tender ambience the song conveys. Shige is a natural. In this song, he doesn't pay attention to techniques and just sings from the heart. I'm glad he gets the important bridge and belts it effortlessly, reminding that it was once Ryo's part and his huskiness was all over the place; Tegoshi also tried this part but it was wobbly--and with Shige, it is surprisingly graceful and poise.

Among the remakes, this has grown on me so well. The right blend of innocence and maturity pulls the song through. Instead of getting wary at a song ever-present at NEWS' CV, this remake actually proves that the 13-year old Cherish is still LSS-worthy.

05 真冬のナガレボシ -Represent NEWS mix- is a remake of one of my favorite 6-nin songs. Mafuyu no Nagareboshi original version belonged to a special few NEWS' older songs which I memorized back in the day. Hence, the other remakes don't affect as much as the tiniest changes in this song bother me.

Tegoshi's vigorous take on the intro was a huge difference from Yamapi's suave intro. Very unlike LPS which introduction by Tegoshi dwells in an exquisite way, this just makes me miss one of the two voices that were dominant in the group's 6nin days. Aside from this, there aren't major adjustments in the member singing parts, and Koyama taking the part of Ryo in the second chorus is a bit cute. He is pitching in an effort to sound emotional, and with his kind of voice in this type of song, it somehow works.

I also dislike the chorus in this remake. It sounds lacking in thickness only achieved by more people singing. Massu's solo part in the last chorus is a little icebreaker in the bland parts but he seems to sound out of breath in his last solo line, which expectantly pours out the bland chorus again.

If there's one thing that I appreciate in this remake, it is that NEWS acknowledged the beauty of this song to re-record it ahead of the dozens of old songs that built up NEWS in its yesteryears.

Wrapping it up:

I honestly think that the single is mediocre, despite my high praises for most of the tracks. Save for NEWSICAL which is marginally different from the rest of the package, LPS the single is truly pleasant; but if you're into bombs like I do, we'll have to wait till the next release. Usually, I give high ratings based on power/impact. I give LPS a middle ranking just because the "power" aspect is weak, but its tracklist is really great--one of NEWS' best without even having to try!

Rating: 3.5 out of 5

review: single, reviews, group: news

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