It's my first time celebrating
talking bird's birthday! I don't have a proper message for him, but I managed to do an edit despite this uber-busy day.
I wish for your good health and a very happy career~ and thank you because you were my gateway to Kisumai. I seriously love your group now. ♥ Please be patient as I'm slowly exploring more of your group! (Now I look like a kid talking to her sensei or senpai. Nyahahaha~)
Moving on, this is the nth time I confirm that I'm a crybaby when it comes to NEWS.
I was in full Kisumai mode this morning; not thinking a bit about NEWS, its upcoming DVD release, or the feels that come along with it. Those feels are best spilled on March 19 (the release date), I thought. But with the screencaps spreading around twitter and FB, and these gifs from
amatsukis... Waaah I need a breather now.
This is the DVD CM. I've never felt so indescribable on a commercial 15 seconds short. It is one of those times when I ask why have I entered this world, a world of excess emotions over a group of singing men? But recalling the countless times I had these 'excess emotions', I think this is what I'm mostly made up now. And I've never been prouder.
Click to view
I thought I can do it, but saving tears for the 19th is really hard to do.
Lemme tear up now~~~ ;o;
P.S. tearing up is an understatement. My feels are best expressed by the person in the gif below. Tegoshi why are you so gooooood with that >o<
Anyway, once again happy birthday Tama! And it's two days to go before #NEWS10thAnnivDVD! ♥ FEELS COME FLOODING!