Dec 29, 2004 22:47
done with the music video and i guess i feel pretty good about it. i mean i'm not worried bout the points i'll get cuz i think it's a delish film but there are somethings i wish i coulda done already. of all things the song is getting f_cking annoying and i put my heart and soul into it even though it's not that great. so i guess i'm gonna blame it on the mic anyway: it didn't pick up anything sharp so i sounded like a tard. i ended up sticking in a screamer cascade and two rap sesh's which were kinda rushed. might go back and fix it up if i have the time but i neeeeeed to moooooove ooooon.
paaaartay at ryna's house today. chilled wid yohan b4 he went to do stuff, talked about things i can't remember anymore wid the isef kids, watched about an 8th of monty python before we quit, and i smeared chocolate cake all over my face. i guess i did it half because i wanted to, half because i was crazy, and half because i thought it would b a big trend someday. after a while, it started getting crusty and started falling of my face which everyone but me was fine with.
i gotta phonecall from my pappy sayin i had to write a whole f_cking paper by new year's eve, which means i hafta do it all tomorrow. i also hafta burn a buttload of cd's for ppl tomorrow and discograph them. i couldn't burn my movie to a dvd either cuz the burner broke at school so i don't have anything. science sucks ass and even though i'm ever proud of not liking it, i wish i could put myself through the work.
progress assessment for science project '04-'05: 0% complete!
friday nite will b craaaaazy cuz i think i'm goin to anna's for a big ass partay and then mayb to jdub's to watch moooovies. i don't wanna watch movies... but i wanna go si?