Cecilia Fire Thunder is my FUCKIN' HERO. Here is why:
"The President of the Oglala Sioux Tribe on the Pine Ridge Reservation, Cecilia Fire Thunder, was incensed [at the recent outlawing of abortion in the state of South Dakota]. A former nurse and healthcare giver she was very angry that a state body made up mostly of white males, would make such a stupid law against women.
'To me, it is now a question of sovereignty,' she said to me last week. 'I will personally establish a Planned Parenthood clinic on my own land which is within the boundaries of the Pine Ridge Reservation where the State of South Dakota has absolutely no jurisdiction.'"
Ogala Sioux President on State Abortion Law In local news: I have a job interview with the public library for the position of Circulation Clerk, thus returning me to my days as a sexy librarian and bringing me ever-closer to my life's dream of being Mary from
Party Girl. Hopefully I will not have to bring out the "you don't think I'm smart enough to work in your fucking library?" line at the interview, but if worse comes to worse...
Things with The Gentleman are proceeding excellently.
I'm reading a marvelous book, The Love Spell by
Phyllis Curott. It makes me feel very witchy and very sexy - a good combination indeed!
The article I sold to the Evergreen Times is due Friday, and I had to completely restructure it after I discovered LIES, DAMN LIES were given to my editor.
I had my last evaluation conference ever at Evergreen, as well as the first evaluation conference I ever cried at. Jesus, I graduated! It's official!
I have recieved a huge number of "watch out for the South, you may die" warnings from those who worry about my safety over the last few days. Really, I think I'll be fine, folks. I may whoop un petit peu d'ass, but that's not terribly unusual these days.
I will now netflix (in the singluar - netflick?) The Graduate and return to Phonathon work...