SPN; What Falls From The Sky Is Not The Rain - Masterpost

Nov 19, 2011 14:09

Title: What Falls From The Sky Is Not The Rain
Rating: PG-13 thru NC-17
Pairing: Eventual Dean/Castiel
Word Count: WIP
Warning: Spoilers for S5 finale (5x22), eventual or alterations of S6, language, smuttings in future chapters
Disclaimer: Not mine, not ever ;A;

Summary: In a split-second, Dean makes a decision that drastically changes everything he knows -- including himself.

A/N: For the first two chapters of this fic I gleaned a lot of dialogue from the actual episode Swan Song, so the die-hard fans might recognize a lot of it. I watched the episode a few times over and decided I really liked the dialogue and the way it progressed. I used about 80% of the actual dialogue from the episode along with my own, spinning what needed to be spun to make it work how I needed it. I will eventually, hopefully, be sprinkling in some season 6 plot as well, but overall this will likely wind up being a fix-it for the 6th season. Anyway, like I said before, this is my first heavy plotted fic for this series, so please be gentle. :3

What Falls From The Sky Is Not The Rain
by hitzusin

Also Archived @ AO3FF.Net

| PrologueOneTwoThreeFourFive |


☇ A majorly huge thanks to my beta demonichate for taking the time to look over every chapter and every other thing I write. xD <3333
☇ The awesome xlamentcasx made equally awesome art for my fic here and here~! :D

#r/nc-17, #pg-13, series: supernatural

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