So I saw this "Minifee Stampbook" on Bulletbanq's Flickr and decided to try it for myself :)
I put a lavender square around each of the minifees I have owned in the past, now own, or have on layaway.
The only one I still have now is Luka and Miyu, and I have a Woosoo and a Mika on the way lol.
The ones I regret not owning anymore (and may one day own again) are Rix and Rheia, and maybe Karsh. I regretted selling my Luka and my Woosoo as well, hence why I own them again :)
I would love to own a Eliya, an El, a Kyle, Ante, and a Rin or Risse. I think I would like to have an F60 Mirwen at one point as well.
I have also owned Rheia 3x, Celine 2x, and Chloe 2x. OMG. I have a problem. Lol
If you would like to do this, go to Bulletsbanq's post here: The directions are there.
Be sure to link back to the owner! :)
Thanks for looking! :)
Have a good day!