Inspiration comes in the strangest guises...

Oct 02, 2011 22:34

Okay, so some of you might know that I write lyrics. Sometimes. Rarely, but it happens. With music and all, but I don't sing in front of anyone (besides Nook), unless I'm drunk, in which case I can barely hold a note. Usually, I'm not all that better, but I kinda am. My voice is untrained, so it wonks out on me sometimes, but there are apparently a lot of people that can't carry a tune at all, so I've been told to be proud of my abilities. Which I am. And that's why I post this.

I've stumbled across a funny picture online lately. Here it is:

I know, right? Lol! I've shared it on my FB and mentioned that this should totally be a country song! Which, after short consideration, I've decided that it really is true and it SHOULD be a country song. Unfortunately, both Brad Paisley and Trace Adkins were unavailable, so I volunteered to write it. And here it is! Hope you like it =D

Another Girl

Oh, should’ve known this, I could see it in your eyes,
You’ve been thinking lately things that I won’t like;
And now you’re looking at me with those tears shining through,
Saying you and me, babe, are too good to be true.

Yeah, we had our times - they were the best in your life.
But now the time has come to say our goodbyes.
You can see that I’m heading away towards the sky,
And with fans all round, I don’t need you by my side.

You say there’s gonna be another girl.
You think she’s gonna rock my whole world.
That’s just the way life goes;
We could try to avoid it, but the Lord knows.
You’re scared our love will turn into a cell;
That when we’re through we’re gonna hate ourselves.
You don’t think you could deal with all that drama.
You’re moving to your mama.

Well, what can I say, I’m a simple kind of guy,
So I just take your suitcase, bring it back inside.
You had a lot on your mind, so I just let you be;
But if that’s how you think, then honey listen to me:

Of course there’s gonna be another girl.
Of course she’s gonna rock my whole world.
That’s just the way life goes;
You can try to avoid but the good Lord knows.
There will be years she’s gonna raise some hell,
But I will love her more than life itself.
We’ll fight, she’ll come to you with all that drama,
‘Cause she will call you mama.

Oh! And because I don't think lyrics really reflect countriness unless sung, I've recorded a crappy version of myself singing and uploaded it here. Now, few things:

1) This really should be sung by a guy, but I don't know any singing dudes, so there's only me trying to sing lower than usual.

2) There's no music. Sorry.

3) My mic is wonky and crackles at times, so don't turn it up-up-up so as to not cause trauma to small impressionable animals.

4) I really hope you'll enjoy it! =D

song, lyrics

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