My resolution had been shot to hell, obviously. However, I did write over 5k words since the beginning of this month, so I guess it's okay. Plus I've been thinking a lot about writing, so that also counts.
Am struggling through my second to last paper at the moment - will have to invent a whole chuck of it out of nowhere, but I don't really seem to mind, you know? My sails are sagging... =(
they showed me the reins and promised to break me
to drive out the spirit of wilder descent
they fought for demurity, but couldn't make me
bow down my head in a manner content
and through their frustration and lashing and fury,
alas, i could clearly see weakness and pain.
they promised to master me, yet couldn't bury
my little benevolent smile of disdain.
so how does one train that which seeks no redemption?
when carrots and sticks merely lead it amiss?
i guess every rule has its awkward exemption,
yet i wish for a tamer i couldn't dismiss.