Dec 25, 2012 22:40
I've decided to peek my head out and see what's out and about. I've even gone so far as to join a few communities. O_O I know. I know. But don't get excited. I'm sure it won't last and I'll crawl back into my hole again. But for now I've decided to attempt to turn over a new leaf and post some things. I figure the easiest way is to ease into it by having something specific to talk about... like crocheting. I'll be posting my patterns online (when I get around to them) and saving them in my memories for future reference. Maybe, maybe the same will go for cooking.... but I have an online cookbook, so I dunno....
But anyway, it's a start. But just so you know, I'll never.... NEVER.... never be making any of my personal journal entries public. If I don't know you, you don't need to know how my day was. :)
But on a happy, quasi-more personal note.... I finished my cow. Since Christmas is officially over, I'll be posting the patterns I have (I don't want to lay claim to something that isn't entirely mine) online with pictures of how mine turned out. I waited because I didn't want someone I know to accidently stumble across them and figure out what I got them for Christmas. He he!
Also, you should keep in mind... I'm still a novice with the crochet needle. So please be patient with me. Thank you and I look forward to seeing more of you. :)