100 Songs With Commentary

May 21, 2006 00:51

Here's my list of 100 songs that I think everyone should listen to. I don't know when I'll update this again because 100 was the goal, but who knows.

LATEST UPDATE: Friday August 24, 2006


1. Blue October ft. Imogen Heap - Congratulations
If you add Imogen Heap to anything, you're bound to get a great song. It's a sad song though. It's a song about loss, regret and eventually acceptance. In the beginning, it seems as though he is calm and it is a quiet reflection. As the song progresses, you can feel the hurt and regret he has over the situation. In the end, it seems as though everything has built up to a plateau and he has finally come to an acceptance; he can't change what has happened in the past.

2. Ai Otsuka - Planetarium
This song is in Japanese, and I have absolutely no idea what the lyrics are. The song is the theme song for theJapanese drama, Hana Yori Dango. The music is very nice and I guess I've grown an attachment toit because everytime I listen to it, I just think of the show. But, even if you've never seen the show, it's a gorgeous Japanese song.

3. Aqualung - Falling Out Of Love
Such a sad song. I wish I could paste the entire song here because it illustrates perfectly how you can be in a relationship, but ... as the leader singer says, "you know in your heart that it's over."

4. Coldplay - Everything's Not Lost
Sure, a lot of people will say Coldplay is overrated, but they make awesome music. Their album X&Y doesn't count. Honestly, this is a good song to listen to when you're completely down and you think there's no hope for you. But, you can't let those times get to you and you have to realize that everything will be alright in the end. It's a good pick me up song.

5. Coldplay - Don't Panic
Ok, another uplifting song from Coldplay. No matter how crazy the world is today, there will
always be someone out there that you can lean on. It's quite a happy song.

6. HowL & J - Perhaps Love
Okay, so it's another foreign song, but this time in Korean. It's one of the main songs of
the Korean show, Goong. If you're a fan of the show, you'll understand why I love this song
to bits. It's just cute. Even though I don't understand it, I just get a very happy feeling when I listen to it :)

7. Bright Eyes - First Day of My Life
This song is very sweet and optimisitic. I mean, it gives me, the girl who is completely bitter about love, hope. How can you not have hope after hearing these lyrics: This is the first day of my life. Glad I didn't die before I met you ... Swear I was blind before I met you. It's just a very optimistic view on love and how you can be completely reborn once you meet that special person. Wow, I'm turning into a sap. :P

8. The Umbrellas - The City Lights
This song is just gorgeous. Everything from the lyrics, voice, meaning, music ... it's amazing. I believe that this song was on an episode of Grey's Anatomy. Not sure what episode though.

9. Craig Armstrong - This Love
This song is so haunting and sad. The female vocalist is amazing and she definitely sets the mood with her voice.

10. Coldplay - Warning Sign
Perfection. I have no other words to describe it.


11. Jars of Clay - Waiting For The World To Fall
This could possibly be my new favourite song of all time. From the title, one might misinterpret the song, but it doesn't mean that! I think it's about leaving behind the world/life that you know and going into somewhere completely different; you want to leave this comfortable life and experience something new

I'm waiting for the world to fall.
I'm waiting for the scene to change.
I'm waiting when the colors come.
I'm waiting to let my world come undone

*sigh* Love this song. I think we all can identify with this song at one time or another.

12. Portishead - Wandering Star
This song is wicked cool. I'm not sure if it's the rhythmic organs in the background or the lead singer's lovely high voice. I think it's one of Portishead's best. I'm not exactly sure how to describe this song. It's just one of those songs that you have to listen to and get a feel for :)

13. Imogen Heap - The Walk
Oh, how I adore Imogen Heap. She is the definition of pretty music. The Walk is my favourite song from Imogen Heap. The bulid up to the middle of the song was perfection. The piano gets her bonus points as well. To me, I think this song circles around a specific moment where one has to choose whether to go on being friends with someone or taking the big step of getting into a relationship. I think her decision seems to be pointed more towards more than friends because of these lyrics:

Big trouble
Losing control
Primary resistance at a critical low
On the, on the double gotta get a hold
Point of no return
One second to go

Imogen is amazing. Just amazing.

14. Sia - Breathe Me
I swear, everyone I know loves this song, and I'm pretty sure you've all heard it as well. Her voice is so compelling that you can't help but be drawn to it. I think that she is the singer for Zero 7 as well, which is a lovely band too :) But, back to the song, a lot of people may speculate that it is about self harm, anorexia, etc. To me, they all share the same feelings of loneliness, weakness and vulnerability, which is ultimately what this song is about. She's calling out for someone to help her through this all. So, there is a bit of hope in this song. Lovely singing, piano and all around fantastic song. One of my favourites, definitely. I recommend her album, Colour the Small One.

15. Hooverphonic - Ginger (in .wma format)
The lead singer of Hooverphonic has one of the prettiest voices. I couldn't help but be drawn into the first few lyrics:
All the things you said to me last night
They closed my eyes
Instead of opening my mind
Sure, the end half of the song is basically her saying, "La la la la la ...", but the music is freaking amazing that you hardly notice.

16. Snow Patrol - You're All I Have
I've been really into their latest album. I don't think that their music sound may be classified as "pretty", but their lyrics are quite pretty. :) Figured everyone has listened to Chasing Cars because of Grey's Anatomy (Denny! WHY?!), so maybe a more uplifting song will do well. You're All I Have is such a sweet song, and yep, it's another sweet gushing love song. Hehe.

17. Imogen Heap - Can't Take It In
Okay, another Imogen song. I can't help it, she's lovely. The whole song is just ... magical. That's the only way to explain it.

18. Counting Crows - Colorblind
This song is just extremely emotional. I try not to listen to it to much because I just want to cry everytime I listen to it. It has a piano, strings and a flute in it, amazing lyrics, so it's pretty damn close to perfection. I don't think it has anything to do with racism. I think it's about revealing your true self to someone for the first time. You're showing them who you really are and hoping that they will love this true version of you. Ahh, such an intense and powerful song. I will always think of Cruel Intentions when I hear this (Sebastian and Annette=love). It's so damn good.

19. Jose Gonzalez - Heartbeats
It's just his voice and the guitar. It's brilliant. It's one of those songs that are just beautiful in their simplicity. It goes straight to the heart. I adore these few lines of the song:
Sharing different heartbeats in one night
To call for hands from above to lean on
Would that be good enough?

20. Joseph Arthur - In The Sun
I'm on a depressing and sad song kick today. Unrequited love is so sad. This is such a heart breaking song. You know a song is good when you have no words to describe it, and this is one of those songs.


21. Way Out West - Don't Forget Me
Usually, Way Out West produces dance/electronica music, so I was pleasantly surprised when I found this. It does have a bit of electronica, but it's quite slow and melancholy. It's about walking away from a relationship, but you don't want that other person to forget you. You want them to remember you, just as much as you will never forget about him/her. The lead singer's voice is gorgeous, it's a bit husky, but that just might be me. The background music just emphasizes the song's mood of sadness.

22. Maria Taylor - Xanax
Maria Taylor is just amazing with lyrics. It's about being scared of loving someone. All this love is in there inside of you, but you can't let it out. This song is about confessing and allowing this love to come out. Okay, worst description ever, but the lyrics are BRILLIANT.

There's just a time when we must all let go of the breath that we hold

Possibly my favourite song on her album.

23. Maria Taylor - Speak Easy
Sure, the song may be a tad bit cheesy, but it's adorable. The fiddle definitely gives the song a nice edge. It's an easy going and mellow song. I can picture myself just sitting on the porch with tea and biscuits and just watching the world pass me by while listening to this song. It's definitely one of those songs for those lazy summer nights. Too many cute lyrics to choose, but if I had to choose:

And there was a time my heart was aching
Yes there was the day I swore it was breaking
Under a lucky star our love was born brand new

Wait for it ... awwwwww. :P

24. Maria Taylor - Birmingham 1982
Oh, how I miss you childhood. This song speaks of how simple life was when we were children. It's filled with memories and feelings that we had when we were young.

Flashlights under covers
Raindrops on my tongue
When life had no distractions
And love wasn't hurting anyone

I'd say that would capture the essence of childhood. Life was so simple back then.

25. Lamb - Gorecki
Incredible. Beautiful. Brilliant. I cannot praise this song enough. This song literally takes you on a ride, both lyrically and musically. The build up to the climax is spine tingling. It's a perfect song.

26. Nick Drake - Northern Sky
This song makes me smile everytime I hear it. I think it's a bit different from other love songs that I've listened to because it shows how there is a new appreciation for life when love enters your world. It was also in Serendipity, which is a really great movie which I have practically memorized :)

27. Ivy - Feel So Free
Maybe it's because prom was this weekend, but this song has been playing all day. It's about taking that chance with someone and grabbing the opportunity, and in the end you feel so much better than you had before. The chorus was sort of how I felt during prom because for the first time, I felt like I didn't have a care in the world :)

And I feel so free
Yeah I feel alright
Never thought I’d feel
Like I feel tonight

Lovely stuff.

28. Sixpence None The Richer - Kiss Me
If you do not have this song in your music collection, there is something wrong with you. Hehe. I always get a huge stupid smile everytime I hear this song. It's very cute, without being too cheesy. Just another one of those love songs that bring back the better memories of love.

29. Imogen Heap - Meantime
Ah, another song that has been on repeat for the past week. I'm not sure which album this song is from, or if it even is on an album, but it's still a nice song. The background vocals and the repeating line, will the next love be the real one will pull you in instantly.

30. Frou Frou - Shh
I could play Frou Frou's Details for hours and not be sick of it. They make some wonderful happy music that'll make you feel all giddy and warm inside. This song is about running away with that special someone to somewhere better where no one can judge or criticize them.


31. Nelly Furtado - Try
While listening to Nelly's newest album, it made me miss her old sound. So, I went back to Folklore and Try has been on a constant repeat. You can clearly hear the emotion in her voice when she sings the song. There's qutie a few messages that can be taken from this song. To me, it's about finding out that no one is perfect. Even if your special someone asks you to change, you try to become that image of perfection but in the end you realize that you can only be yourself. The mood changes to a happier note in the end when she realizes that their imperfections is what makes them beautiful together. Such a pretty song. It's quite different from all of her other songs because most of them are upbeat. It's definitely no Promiscuous.

32. Maria Taylor - Leap Year
I lied. Leap Year is the best song on Maria Taylor's debut album. It speaks of a long distance relationship and how she will always wait for him to come back home to her. It's a bittersweet song and teamed up with the beautiful music composition it leaves you with a feeling of hope.

33. Something Corporate - As You Sleep
I've loved Something Corporate since I was in gr. 9. Yes, some may say they are emo, but they've always left a mark on me. The piano is amazing. Piano rock at its finest. The best line of the song?

Soon I'll be leaving you, but you won't be leaving me

I think that it's about having to break up with someone for reasons that they may not understand, but that person will always remain with you. It sings like a lullaby and with the piano it's truly amazing.

34. Something Corporate - Me and the Moon
This song is about a very morbid subject, but don't let that stop you from listening to it! I don't know how they did it, but somehow they made a song about murder into a beautiful song. Yeah, I was a bit mislead by the title too. It's about a wife who murders her husband because she can no longer stand the neglect and hurt she gets from him. In the end, she is left with only herself and the moon. It's a beautiful song and the cello in the end was a wonderful touch. Best one on North.

35. Incubus - Aqueous Transmission
This is completely different from the usual stuff you hear from Incubus. It's such a relaxing and enthralling song. It's highly influenced by oriental music (the scitar is wicked stuff) which gives it an even more unique feel. You literally feel like you're floating down a river. The whole song evokes feelings of tranquility and smooth sailing. The end of the song fades into the sounds of crickets chirping. A very good song to fall asleep to.

36. Aqualung - Another Little Hole
This has to be one of the most depressing songs I've ever heard and it really does strike a chord. It's a song about realizing that everything comes to an end. If you're in the mood for amazing lyrics and evoking feelings of poignancy, this is the song for you.

37. Kirsty Hawkshaw - Battleship Grey
Kirsty Hawkshaw is widely known for her vocals in DJ Tiesto's Just Be. If you've listened to that song, then you know this girl has one of the prettiest voices. She's ventured off on her own and one of the outcomes is Battleship Grey. I wouldn't classify her music as trance or techno, maybe electronica. The music builds up to quite an intensity and then simmers down with the piano. Very melancholy and pretty.

38. Aqualung - Breaking My Heart
It's amazing how Aqualung can sum up all of the confusing and heart wrenching feelings we have when we go through a break up in such simple terms. He brings up feelings that are universal for everyone that has had their heart broken.

39. Christophe Beck - Close Your Eyes
If you're a Buffy/Angel fan, then you know this song. It's such a lovely piece of instrumental music. It's crazy how so much emotion can be in this piece when there's no lyrics whatsoever. It's truly great.

40. Azure Ray - Sea of Doubts
Maria Taylor sings the vocals for Azure Ray if you think she sounded familiar. I like how she sings the song in a very breathy voice which makes the song even more powerful. The first few lines may make people think of suicide, but I think this song is quite the opposite. It's about recognzing how much our lives are worth and finding some kind of purpose to it. I adored the lines:

but nothing could move this heart
until i held the boy's hand

Once again, the music is phenomenal.

41. Alexi Murdoch - Orange Sky
A very mellow and chillaxing (yes, I said CHILLAX) song. It's been used a number of times in movies and TV shows, so once you hear it, I'm sure you'll recognize it. It's a good song to listen to while just laying on the green grass and staring up at the clouds. Very good song to relax to.

42. Sigur Ros - Saeglopur
Sigur Ros is just bloody amazing. In an interview, they stated that their music is more about the music rather than the lyrics. That statement is most definitely evident in this song. The beginning is just his voice and soft music from what seems like a music box, but it builds up to an amazing climax with strong instrumentals and a crazy piano. I have no clue what they're singing about (they're Icelandic), but you can tell from the music that it's something intense and powerful. Even with the language barrier, Sigur Ros still manages to attract fans with their fantastic abililty to make beautiful music.

43. Feist - Let It Die
Feist is very mellow sounding. She reminds me of one of those singers you would see in those little cafes on street corners. As you sip your coffee, she would be singing in the background. You would just relax and just let the music take over. Let It Die is easily one of the most honest songs I've heard in a long time. When I first heard it, I was literally blown away. The lyrics are so perfect and it describes the end of a relationship so accurately that I'm amazed that she could put it into song format.

The saddest part of a broken heart
Isn't the ending so much as the start
The tragedy starts from the very first spark
Losing your mind for the sake of your heart

She's got a way with words.

44. Iron and Wine - The Trapeze Swinger
The first thing I notice about a song is the music, and not the lyrics. So, when I first heard this song, I thought it was missing that special something. But when I went back and listened and heard the lyrics, it is beautiful. I believe that the trapeze swinger is a metaphor for life. When the trapezer goes from one swing to the next it could easily represent the different risks and leaps we have to take during our lives. There's so many interpretations for this song, and they all seem likely. The song sings about many different memories with either one person or a variety of different people throughout a life, from the point of view of someone coming to a point of the end. *sigh* Absolutely stunning.

45. Keane - Walnut Tree
In the beginning, it's a bit reminiscent of Radiohead's Kid A album, but it may just be me. I love the piano in the background, it's not the typical piano sound you would expect though. It's a lovely song to fall asleep to and you can't help but hope to get nice dreams.

46. Jack Johnson - Constellations
I just discovered Jack Johnson (yes, I've been living under a rock) a week ago, and I'm liking what I hear. He's one of those artists that you can listen to while your world is ending and after hearing a song, you can't help but smile. Constellations makes you want to just leave everything behind and hit the beach and relax. It's a simple song about watching the stars with your loved one and just enjoying life.

47. Jack Johnson - Breakdown
Life just passes us by too quickly. Sometimes, we just need to slow things down and look what's going on around us. this song really describes how I'm feeling since graduation is just around the corner. The past four years in high school have zoomed by, and I just wish that life would just go a bit slower in the next few days so I can take in everything that's happening. Although, the song was meant to be taken in a literal sense, but I'll continue believing in my deeper meaning. This song has a pretty happy beat and it's awesome to sing along too :)

48. Metric - Soft Rock Star
I love Metric and I'm so happy that they're finally getting the attention that they deserve. Well, at least here in Canada that is. They were quite awesome at the MMVAs. I'm not sure what I feel when I hear this song: sad or happy. I adore Emily Haine's vocals, it's extremely pretty. One of my favourite Metric songs. So sorry for the lack of description, but this is another one of those songs that you just have to listen to to get a feel for.

49. Damien Rice - Volcano
Damien Rice just strikes a chord within you and that's really rare for any artist to do so. It's a beautiful, yet haunting song. The mellow music and cello further add to the beauty of the song. I think it's about unrequited love. The girl continues to give and throw herself at the boy, and yet he tries to say: what i am to you, is not what you mean to me, in other words, the boy doesn't think that he's good for her and pushes her away. Ah, it does go deeper, but then that would take up another paragraph and you guys aren't here for that. It is Damien Rice singing and female vocals, each taking up the role as the boy and girl in the relationship in the song. You can literally feel and tension. Fanstastic.

50. Tegan and Sara - Come On
Hm. This song isn't a typical Tegan and Sara song, which is why I adore it. At first, I thought it was one hell of a sexy song, I mean, with lyrics like these:

tell me what my hands were made for
tell me who my mouth was made for

What else was I suppose to think? Heh, and then my friend told me the true meaning. But, to each its own, I guess. It's a bit mellower than other T&S songs.

51. Adrienne Pierce - Lost and Found
When I first heard this, I thought it was the cutest song ever! I mean the music wasquite happy and upbeat and Adrienne has an adorable voice. But no, this song is more about a relationship that has lost its spark and the boy and girl have fallen out of love. Still great :)

52. Radiohead and PJ Harvey - This Mess We're In
This song has been out for ages, and I've only heard of it just now? Man, and I call myself a Radiohead fan. PJ Harvey and Thom combined, results in a beautiful collaboration. They both provide contrasts to each other's voices. The lyrics in the song paint such a vivd picture in your head. It's quite surreal. Most definitely a song that you can play over and over again without ever getting sick of it. I should know, I've played it 3437458 times this week.

53. Imogen Heap - Embers of Love
I'd just like to say that this song is not called Decembers of Love. Some of my friends were calling it that, and I just got confused. So, yes, it's Embers of Love. Another lovely song from Imogen Heap. The strings are fantastic and it provides a great contrast to her wispy voice.

54. Stars - Look Up
Aw, I always smile when I hear this song. The parts with the oboe and English horn are most definitely one of the highlights of this song. Don't let an oboe and English horn turn you off of this magnificient song! Amy's vocals just give me chills. CHILLS. I just adore it.

55. Coldplay - Trouble
Coldplay makes some of the most beautiful music ever. This is no exception. The piano makes me swoon. It's such a simple melody, but it grabs hold and wraps itself around you. As if the piano wasn't enough, the song itself it just a masterpiece. I don't think this song should limit itself to be about a lover, but rather anyone that you love or care about. It's a song about hurting the ones you love the most and truly regretting it all. The piano and Chris's voice is just perfect

56. Nelly Furtado ft. Chris Martin - All Good Things
There's 2 verisons to this song: one with Chris Martin and one without. The one with Chris Martin was axed from Nelly's new album. I really don't know why, I think Chris's addition added a nice twist to the whole song. As with the Thom and PJ Harvey collaboration, this one is quite lovely as well. This is a bit reminiscent of the old Nelly that so many of us wish would come back. Here is the version that made it onto the album.

57. Colin Hay - Waiting For My Real Life To Begin
I think Colin Hay is one of the most underappreciated songwriters. This song is written with so much depth and sincerity that I wonder why so little people know of him. This song is really hard to describe, so it's another one of those songs that you need to download to really appreciate the beauty of it. It's simple, but there's a lot of meaning to it.

58. Vienna Teng - My Medea
Vienna has one of the most beautiful and strongest voices. Her voice is incredible in this song. There is so much emotion in her voice; anger, hope and strength. It's amazing. Paired with piano, it becomes a powerful song.

59. Temposhark ft. Imogen Heap - Not That Big
Not particularly "pretty", but it has Imogen in it! It's a bit heavier and more electronic than her material from Speak For Yourself, but still has the umph factor that is present in all of Imogen's work. If you just broke up with some jerk and you need an angry and self motivating song, then this is the song for you. It's about realizing that he/she treated you horribly and now you know and you can scream out that, "You're not big in my life at all".

60. Linkin Park - My December
This is NOT your typical Linkin Park song, at all. There's no screaming, hard hitting music or any thing that you would expect from Linkin Park. It's a slow and simple song but it really hits you. This song just shows that no matter how rich, powerful, beautiful, etc. you are, it doesn't mean anything if you don't have anyone you love to share it with. Bet you weren't expecting that from Linkin Park, eh? The strings in the end make me love the song even more.

61. Damien Rice - When Doves Cry
I just really love Damien Rice. There's just something about his voice that makes you feel. This song is definitely no different. It is a cover of Prince's song, but it's just as great. With Damien Rice, this may sound dumb, but I didn't even notice that it was an acoustic piece. That's good he is. You'll be so consumed with his voice, that it'll be the only thing that stands out to you. If you think about it, when doves cry is a damn good metaphor, yet so sad. The song is about a relationship that is beginning to be reminiscent of his/her's parents, and not exactly for the good.

62. The Reindeer Section - If Everything Fell Quiet
If you like the slower stuff that Snow Patrol makes, I think that you would be a fan of this song. It's a quiet song about being in love. A love that is so strong that all you want to do is be with them. S/he is your guide, your hope, your everything. It's not meant to sound like a stalker/obsessive love though. It's quite sweet.

63. Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers - It'll All Work Out
When I first heard the first few seconds of this song, I honestly thought that I had accidently downloaded a traditional Chinese song. I don't know, maybe it's just me, but it's quite amazing. This song kills me every time I listen to it. It's so different from the usual songs that I'm accustomed to listen to. And the meaning? Ah, there's so many interpretations, that I am confused and unsure. It's one up for interpretation. The peaceful music and the contrast of Tom Petty's voice is just astounding.

64. Nelly Furtado - Say It Right
I seriously cannot stop playing this song. I keep bobbing my head when I hear it. ^__^ The beat alone was enough to pull me in, but after a few listens, the lyrics just top the whole song off. It may not sound like it from the beat, but it is a song with dark undertones. Regardless of that fact, it's still a song that you want to get up and dance to.

65. Keane - Everybody's Changing
This is a personal favourite of mine and was my theme song for the week. Heh. Keane is bloody brilliant. It's crazy how some artists can put the confusing thoughts in your head into song format and Keane does it amazingly so. The lyrics and vocals in the song are so desperate and emotional that it literally kills you. It's just a song about how everyone around you is changing and you seem to just be standing behind the side lines and watching. Pretty good, indeed.

66. Sufjan Stevens - To Be Alone With You
Such a gorgeous song. I had a hard time describing this one, but then my friend described it perfectly: "It's one of those songs that gives you an incredible feeling, like when you're driving back home in empty streets, early in the morning, with the sun rising ..." It's just perfect.

67. Jack Johnson and Ben Harper - High Tide or Low Tide
This duet is perfect for the summer. It is a Bob Marley cover and was performed live on Last Call With Carson Daley, and trust me, you really can't tell if it's live or not. Very mellow and easily lulls you to a peaceful sleep.

68. Lee Sun Hee - Fate
This is a Korean song, but it is so amazingly beautiful. Again, no idea what she's singing about, but she has one hell of a pretty voice and the traditional oriental music in the background is just stunning. I think that it is in the Korean movie, The King and the Clown. Which is a movie that everyone should watch, by the way. It is in a different language, but it's just a really good song that you have to listen to.

69. Keane - Untitled 1
This song is very open to interpretation. Heh, it seems like all my descriptions in this post serve no purpose except to let you make your own interpretations. The fact that it is so open is probably why it is "untitled". It's a beautiful yet sad song with unique melodies, but what else would you expect from Keane?

70. Sia - The Bully
I really did believe that her one and only good song would be, Breathe Me, but I was pleasantly surprised when I heard her full album. Each song is just as beautiful as Breathe Me, well, in my opinion. This song in particular, is a personal favourite. It's just pretty. Yes, the greatness of this song will make up for the lack of adjectives on my part.

71. Beck - Paper Tiger
Amazing orchestra arrangements. This song will sweep you off your feet when you first hear the first chords of strings. Quite a dark song, but Beck's Sea Change is pretty much about his break up. I'm still surprised at how well he was able to combine the orchestra within this song. Incredible.

72. Portishead - Roads
I must say, Portishead's Dummy, is one hell of an album. Possibly the best trip-hop album. Roads was the first song that I've ever heard from them and I've been hooked since. The bass solo alone is amazing. They just seem to make all the crazy beats they come up with, work. A song that is the epitome of melancholy.
73. Natalie Merchant - My Skin
Piano driven music plus a touch of strings, and topped off with one amazing singer equals a truly touching and beautiful song. This is clearly one of those songs that comes straight from the heart, and you can tell from the emotion in her voice and lyrically wise. It's such a sad song and the ending of just instrumentals really gets to you.

74. Snow Patrol - Warmer Climate
This has to be my favourite song from Snow Patrol. Not exactly the fast and upbeat songs that are a majority from them, but a bit slower. It's slow in the verses, but the chorus just explodes for me:

The universe just vanished out of sight
And all the stars collapsed behind the pitch black night
And I can barely see your face in front of mine
But it is knowing you are there that makes me fine

75. Spiritualized - Broken Heart
The music is so utterly depressing, yet beautiful. There's little vocals in this piece, but sometimes all you really need are sweeping instruments to make you feel something. Although, I should warn you that if you are already in a state of sadness, I wouldn't recommend listening to it. The result may be you bursting into tears towards the end of the song. Once the lyrics end, the beautiful strings are added and a melancholy feeling that it leaves behind.

76. Natasha Bedingfield - Somewhere Only We Know
Continuing on with my Keane obsession, I've discovered this cover. Not as amazing as Keane, but are covers ever are? After hearing that Unwritten song everywhere, I really held no hope for her. But, after hearing this, I think she may have redeemed herself. She does have a fantastic voice and she does do justice towards Somewhere Only We Know. It's slower than the original and is accompanied by only the piano.

77. Turin Brakes - Rain City
The OC's very first soundtrack kicks major ass. I can honestly tell you that every song on the disc is great and special. One of my favourites is this song. Maybe it's the simplicity from the song, but it's different. You can't really touch down on what this song is about, but it just feels good.

78. Something Corporate - Konstantine
This song is just mind blowing. So much intensity and emotion in his voice. It's definitely one of those songs you need to hear once in your life.

79. Snow Patrol ft. Martha Wainwright - Set The Fire To The Third Bar
Who would've thought that Martha and Gary's voices would compliment each other so well. It's so very pretty. The lyrics are nothing short of poetic. It is a song about love and distance and how you can still be emotionally connected to someone, no matter how far you are from one another. The chorus gets to me every time. Overall, it's a quiet and heartbreaking song. One of the best on Snow Patrol's newest album.

80. Iron and Wine - Fever Dream
Some may argue that this song is much too sappy, cliched and overly sweet, but I think it's perfect. Don't we all need a bit of cliched romance songs once in awhile? The quiet and simple guitar melody is what will really make you a fan of this song. It's a song about yearning and how the object of our affections is unable to feel and express their feelings towards us. Lyrics that stood out to me:

Sometimes I'd like just to ask her
What honest words
She can’t afford to say

81. Imogen Heap - Airplane
This song reminds me of a T-shirt that says: Love is in the air and it's high above the clouds. Umm, yeah, just had to share that. This is just a light and chipper song that is perfect for those days at the beach where you just want to have fun. I love the music, it's just so bouncy and happy, and very influenced by electronica.

82. Frou Frou - Close Up
Very different from the light tone that we see from Details. Actually, the heavy beats in the beginning remind me of Not That Big, from a few entries from above. Nevertheless, it's still great. The rough beats during the chorus and Imogen's dreamy voice is something you may not think would've worked, but I don't know how, but it does. This whole song is about confusion (I love you, I hate you, I can't keep my hands off you). She really wants to get away from this person who she hates, but she just can't stay away. Her conflicting thoughts and emotions make one hell of a song.

83. The Weepies - The World Spins Madly On
Okay. This song is just pretty. The music just wraps around you, the lyrics are honest and it's all around fabulous. To me, it's about a person reflecting on a past relationship (romantic or friendship) and noticing all the the choices and actions that resulted in an end towards the relationship. Sometimes you get so caught up in these memories of the past that you don't even notice how things around you are moving fast. But, you have to move on, because the world isn't going to wait for you, it's going to spin madly on.

84. Yann Tiersen - Loin Des Villes
Yann Tiersen makes the most amazing music. This piece is purely instrumental, but there's so much depth to it. As someone else said, it really does sound like a carnival come to life. The beginning is soft and quiet, but it eventually builds up to this explosion of strings. I really need to get my hands on more of his stuff.

85. Goldfrapp - Hairy Trees
This is such a calming and tranquil song. By no means, is it mellow but it gives the feel of just relaxing by a sandy beach and lapping waves. The imagery the song presents really makes you want to leave where you are and go to a place where it's sunny all year long and you never have to lift a finger ever again. Wouldn't that be nice? Heh, well this song is about as close as you can get to paradise. For now, at least.

86. Mandalay - Deep Love
I think that Mandalay's lead vocalist has the most gorgeous voice. Ever. It's just angelic, feminin and beautiful. This song really showcases it well.

87. Hooverphonic (Sarah Brightman) - Eden (Enigma Remix)
I don't know if I have this song labelled correctly. It's sung by Sarah Brightman, but I guess Hooverphonic had a part in it, as well. Heh, well if anyone knows, drop me a line. Another song with a set of freaking amazing vocals. The backing vocals are haunting, and Sarah's voice is just out of this world. I think it's quite a powerful song.

88. Aqualung - Can't Get You Out Of My Mind
I really haven't noticed that I've posted so many Aqualung songs. Heh, they're not even one of my favourite bands, but they just make some of the most beautiful and heartfelt songs. This is no exception. This is another classic song about being afraid to fall in love. It's just the piano and his, oh so amazing, voice. He kills me.

89. Garbage - Sleep
A soft and piano driven song that will literally make you fall asleep. Not in the bad way. Shirley's voice will easily lull you into dreamland. I've had days that I really couldn't get through or had times when I just wanted to forget things that had happened to me. Although you can never really escape these things, sleep is a temporary escape from the troubles in our lives and this is what this song is about.

90. Ron Sexsmith ft. Chris Martin - Gold In Them Hills
This song sounds like a dream come to life. It has a surreal and dream-like quality to it. It has Chris Martin, strings AND piano, what more could you ask for? You can't help but smile when you hear this song when you're down. Just a song about how everything will turn out well in the end.

91. Bjork - Hidden Place
I adore Bjork to bits. Sometimes she can be too creative that it turns a lot of people off, but I like her just fine. Vespertine is one of my all time favourite albums, and Hidden Place was one of the songs that stood out to me the most. The song is hauntingly beautiful, especially the chorus with the background chanting. It's a song that expresses how a relationship can build up to something so incredible, that only you and your love can truly understand and go to that place, thus your hidden place. I'll admit that this type of music takes a lot of getting used to, but the outcome is worthwhile. Bjork is an artist.

92. Sting - A Thousand Years
I don't listen to a lot of Sting, but this song really captured my attention. It reminds me a lot of Arabian nights judging from the background music and his lulling voice. I really love how he wrote this song, it's quite creative and imaginative. It's a song that says even after a thousand years, lives, and souls he will always love this woman. It's a very hypnotic song.

93. Joshua Radin - Star Mile
Joshua Radin has such a wonderful way of getting underneath your skin. His voice is quiet, and yet so powerful at the same time. Star Mile is quite mellow, but it still leaves a mark on you. This song is one of my favourites from his album, We Were Here. It sings about how a girl thinks the world of a boy, and yet he has a holier than thou attitude and eventually he throws away the one thing that kept him in a safe place. He realizes what he's thrown away, and yet all he can do is watch her move on ... without him. *sigh* Amazing.

94. Within Temptation - Memories
This song always seems to make me want to cry. They've been compared to Evanescence, but personally, I like Within Temptation a lot better. Their usage of piano and strings plus the addition of Rebecca's voice, just blows me away every time. It's a song about someone who has lost someone whom they loved very dearly, and now they are gone from their lives, but he/she continues to live on through the memories. Guh, it kills me every time.

95. Kylie Minogue v. Massive Attack - Slow Angel
I was kind of skeptical of this mash up because Massive Attack is just brilliant and Kylie Minogue is just ... ok. But, wow, was I ever wrong. Kylie's sultry song really fits well with Angel. I like it, a lot. It's HOT. Not the R&B/Hip Hop kind of hot, but a steamy, sexy, but not yet sleazy kind of hot. Haha. Ok, not the best description, but I like it, lots.

96. Augustana - Boston (Midwest Skies and Sleepless Mondays release)
Holy crap. I was never a huge fan of Augustana before, but then I listened to this version of Boston and I'm in love. This was apparently on an album that only had 1000 copies and this version was on it. I love the tinkling of the piano, and it just gives this song a bit more optimism. But then again, that's just me. It's not entirely different, just the piano notes. It's still good. :)

97. Bjork - Aurora
Another song from Vespertine, and just as great. It starts off with the sounds of someone walking through the snow and we are then introduced to the sound of Bjork's voice. I'm completely confused as to what this song means, but I'm perfectly content with just listening to the sweet melody and Bjork stretching out the harmony of Aurora. I can see myself listening to this song while watching the snow fall during the cold night; it just fits.

98. Nick Cave and Kylie Minogue - Where the Wild Roses Grow
I'm on a Kylie kick, aren't I? When she pairs up with other musicians, the outcome is quite good and this is no exception. I love, love, love this song. Nick's voice is so dark and deep and it goes so well with Kylie's angelic and feminin voice. The music, instruments and lyrics present such a vivid picture in your heard. It's a gorgeous song, but you can tell that it has undertones of darkness.

99. The Perishers - Trouble Sleeping
Gorgeous song. I think I've overused the words gorgeous and pretty in this post. The Perishers are probably most known for that LoVe scene when Sway played. The rest of their music is just as great as Sway. Basically a song that speaks for itself. He's unable to get to sleep because of the girl that is constantly haunting him because of a break up. I think when you're trying to really get over someone, they always come back to you especially during the times when you're about to go to sleep and all you want to do is just shut your mind off of him and go into a dreamless sleep. Urm, yes, just my two cents.

100. Emilie Simon - The Frozen World
This song is so very pretty. The childish voice of Emilie and the tinkly bells in the beginning are very endearing. It sounds exactly like a lullaby. I wish I had more of her songs, but sadly this is the only one I have from her. If you guys can only download one song from this post, I would most definitely recommend this one. It's gorgeous, soothing and utterly beautiful.

If you liked all the above songs, join wideeyedmusic, my new personal music community. You'll probably get more rambly comments on each song/album from me. So spread the news. :)

All mp3 format and on sendspace and box.net, unless otherwise stated.
Comment if you take any :)

music is my boyfriend

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