A friEnd oF 10 WeekS anD a fRiend Of 10 yEars

Mar 04, 2005 03:28

Wats ur choicE?

A) a fRieNd Whom u Have Known foR 10 YeaRs?

B) a FrIenD whOm u had onLi knoW for 10 weeKs?

SomEhoW a loNgeR frIendshiP doEsn'T mean StrOnGeR FriEndshiP.
thERe's Lack Of TruSt.
A DoeSn't trusT hEr.
B iS always tHere WheneVer shE neeDs heLp.
shE loSes faith iN the 10 yrS friEndship.
Thinking ThaT nothing CAn hElp her SAve iT at All....

Why is thiS so?
* ansWer reMainS UnknoWn*
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