(no subject)

Mar 01, 2005 01:46

I felt sO stuPid...
why do U call mi up when u'Re feeling dowN?
den wHen u R happy...
u R goNe..

Oh plEasE!
juz leAve mi aLonE!
I'm fEd up With thiNgs alReadI!

Juz Stop botheRinG m...
That'S it.
I loVe my liFe juZ as it is noW

Ur pResenCe wiLL onLi mAke mi FeeL sTreSs, fEd up ....
i'Ve loNg gottEn ovEr wiTh thinGs...
I duN WaNnA thinK baCk agAin
And i'M noW happIe with waT i hAve...
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