he PopEd the question today...
buT sHe Gave him a "nO"
She kNows sHe's noT preparEd foR it.
She duN wannA LiE to hIm.
She duN wanna Hurt him.
She Still ThinKs oF the otheR gUy.
She dun WannA bE with hIm and She still ThinkS of thE other Guy.
its unfAIr to Him.
All She Have to say is sOrrY!
Its noT thE riGht tiMe.
she viSitEd hiS hsE toDay.
thouGh Its Not tHe first tIme.
But, iT sEEms so diFFerEnt...
All The AuntIes And UnclEs aRe Around.
Lots oF aNg poWs collEctEd...HAHa{NoT tHe pOint La}
AnD fOOD!!!! StEAmboAt.. dunnO hoW mAni timEs i'Ve EaTen StEAmboAt uP tiLL noW le...
but Still So deLiciouS!
difFereNt FamiLY diffErnET tAste bA.
WanTed tO tAke phOtoS of the fOOd...
But likE so RuDe.. pPL eaTing, Den i TaKe pHotos, so 没礼貌!SomEMoRe All thE ppL i dunnO One~
so EnDed up, nV tAKe.
I bouGht some Cakes YeAh~~ FroM poLaR pUff And CakES~ To hiS hsE tOo...
But Dun Think iTs EnuFF to bE DisTribuTe...
Too Mani pPl le.. In The end.. The kiDs Haf tO sHare~
Pai Seh Arh.. DidnT expEctEd sO manI pPl lo.
If Got nExT time... EhhHh.. dun Think So la.. I will Buy moRE.
Had A WOndeRfuL EvENing tHerE.
ThankZ evERyone..
MakiNg mi FeEL at Home~