Oct 31, 2007 23:06
1. Running late to clinic, a gentleman asked me if I was pregnant. I always love when that happens. And then he touched my belly. Today I learned that when you're pregnant, people are allowed to touch you. Something to look forward to.
2. In an evaluation meeting with my supervisor, the first thing she said to me is "I have to ask you candidly, do you spend a lot of time on this clinic?"
This same question has been running through my head ever since. I have lost sleep over this clinic, lost time with my husband, lost sanity over it. I have poured so much of myself into it. Now, I know that, and I feel confident in my abilities, but to have someone ask if I spend any time on it is still very insulting. She asked this because one of my reports required a few revisions and I needed a lot of guidance from her. She said "I'm helping you a lot more than anyone else." What she completely disregarded is that the other report I wrote needed barely any revisions, and was the first one of anyone else in the class to be approved for the file. The report I had trouble with was not due to a lack of commitment or effort or intelligence, but it's a hard case and I've never done it before. And, it was only one section of the report that I had trouble with. But she does not have the ability to see the bigger picture. She sees one issue, and magnifies it so that it defines me, when it really was only one small problem. I'm a damn good clinician and a fucking awesome student. She also said that I needed to work on getting my paperwork in on time. This is proof that she lives in another world. I have never in my entire life missed a due date. I take them very seriously. WTF is she talking about? If she can't keep HER paperwork straight, I guess that means I didn't get my shit in on time. On Monday, I happened to forget to put my lesson plans on her desk, as we need to do every day. This was the first time I forgot. Today she said that she often doesn't have my lesson plans. Whatever is the latest thing in her head is just what she runs with. There is no big picture generalization with her. I want to just completely ignore this because it's untrue. But this woman will be giving me a grade. If she ruins my 4.0, I don't know what I will do.
3. On the way home from this lovely encounter, smoke started coming out of the hood of my car. After some AAA runaround and finally getting it towed, I now have my sister's car, and got home 3 hours later (I have a very nice sister). My sister's car was too big for our garage, which I noticed quickly, so started to pull out of the garage. However, it was already too late, and I will now have to pay to have part of her back passenger door repainted.
4. Computer/printer problems suck.
Three weekends ago, Newhall had the huge big-rig pileup on the 5 which shut down the roads and trapped us inside. Last weekend, southern california burnt down and Kyle and I had to leave. Well we didn't HAVE to, but when you can see the flames from your driveway, I don't think you need to wait for the order to evacuate, hm? This weekend, I am car-less (and therefore soon to be money-less). My car problem does not equal the tunnel fire or the wildfires, but it is a personal inconvenience at a time when I am already at my limit with school, clinic, and work, and just spent the last two weekends struggling with natural disasters. I wonder what will happen next weekend.
Is this semester over yet?