Jul 27, 2005 20:05
We are often afraid to trust in our own potential or feel guilty when our lives go too well because we don't believe we deserve success. It's easy to believe that positive fortune is too good to last and that happiness is always fleeting.
If your subconscious is telling you that you don't deserve happiness, counter it by reaffirming your worth. Put a motivational affirmation on display in your home or office, or create a positive mantra, then focus on the present. The future is unknown, give yourself permission to enjoy the things going well for you right now.
It may take time for you to fully believe that you have control over your own happiness and that you can hold on to that happiness without worrying about what the future will bring. You may want to remember that you have more control over your life than you may realize. It is your own attitude that will ultimately let you hold on to the result of good things in life, while letting the bad things go.
We must remember that our lives are not meaningless - quite the opposite. Every day we have an opportunity to "make history" and influence the future for the better. How we treat people in each moment, with each interaction, can have a major impact. Sharing positive information can help a person or build up their reputation. It helps to begin our days with an acknowledgement of this fact, taking a moment to consider how we want to be in the world and how powerful we really are.