over caffeinated.
4 double shots of espresso and 2 chai matte teas later.... I feel better. over caffeinated to the point my heart might explode, but better.
It was a rough morning that didn't end until 3.
theLJless stayed with me last night, which was nice. I've been having a rough week at work, and was feeling even worse about my remedial fencing skills than I normally do. Candice was trying to be nice and explain the 3 sports problems last night, and I kept thinking - yup, need to improve that for all three. Unfortunately, nothing but time will fix any of them. Ahh well. I will be better at fencing when I commit the time nessisary to practice to fencing. No more setting aside thursdays to fence then using that for the chores that I haven't done all week.
That said - Evelyn Evelyn next thursday! come out and see it! Amanda Palmer & Jason Webbly ,and conjoined twins! What more do you want in a performance?
http://www.evelynevelyn.com/I don't know if you should ruin the fun or not, but you tube has question & answer sessions with the twins. Hilarious as they explain netonian physics & Nietzsche. (how is that for spelling?)