Still upright

Apr 15, 2006 09:23

So, I did the pigheaded, boneheaded thing and came to work. I actually feel ok at the moment (I imagine the crash will hit sometime in the afternoon). I'll probably be face-down on the bed before 8PM tonight...

No, really! I feel ok! (notice I did NOT say FINE. I know better than that around the vast majority of you people *g*).

I think I probably slept so much (albeit in little, hour-to-hour spurts) the last few days that I'm tanked up. Plus I sucked down half a bottle of Gatorade after 8PM last night (sugar, anyone) AND didn't take my Paxil until then (and I've noticed it seems to keep me awake if I take it late) AND I didn't have much in my tummy in the previous 48 hours (some dry toast, some Mrs. Grass soup, a small cup of yoghurt and a hamburger Happy Meal. Hey, I needed the protein!).

So yeah. Kinda bouncing right along at the moment.

(the appetite's still off a bit tho. I opened a small packet of almonds half an hour ago and I've still got half of them left...)

At least my tummy's happier (you should've heard the noises last night--hmmm...maybe that contributed to the wakefulness?). Thanks for all the kind thoughts and sympathies :) I know each and every one of you would be there for hair-holding duty if you could *g*
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