~yawn~ I don't know if any of you read Dilbert, but the coffee thing *totally* applies to me. XD At least my second cup today isn't because I'm a junkie; it's because I'm a klutz. =( I set the first on a couch cushion (maybe because I'm a dork, instead?) and somehow managed to spill it. o.O Got that cleaned up the best that two hands and towels and washcloths and such can do. Will need a steam cleaner for the rest.
No, that wasn't the update. XD Just me babbling.
Physically: I'm still rather tired, but am feeling pretty normal this morning. Minor cramping every once in awhile, like my uterus is trying to remind me it's still there. No worries, girlfriend. I know. XD Still debating SCD, though I would love to cut at least the refined sugars out of my diet. I'm just at a loss for what to do with my coffee. Honey just makes coffee bitter bitter bitter. o.O I can tell the difference when I come to my parents' house and drink soda, though. Blech. Get rid of that stuff!
Jobishness: Hubby's resume is looking pretty good, at this point. We're going to a job fair back home this evening, then dropping by his folks' for dinner. They're paying the gap in our budget, so we'll be okay... for awhile. Provided the company does what we expect them to when we expect them to do it. >.>
Scrap Junk: If you love digi scrapbooking or freebies (DELLA, this means YOU! XD) make sure you go to
http://www.scrappinggarden.com/ this week. We have a lot of stuff going on, including things I'm not involved in that give away software, a GB drive, a camera (somewhere, I believe), cash, etc. o.O It's part of the Fall-o-ween festival that's driving me nuts.
I have a chat Tuesday at 7 PM CDT for Templates and one Friday at 8:30 CDT for stories. Need to post my ad today in my scrap journal and on DST. ~dies~ I also quit, but that may have been a mistake. I'm just getting into the swing of things, even if I'm not making a cent yet. o.O
SKIG: He's cute. Still not talking much, which only bothers me when he's around kids that are older than him. XD How do you compare a 19 month old to a 25 month old? You really shouldn't. I know it runs in the family, and he's technically said enough words to keep the doctors happy (and he's picking up signing words at a normal-quick rate). He's just never been 'into' language at all. He babbled, but not much. He talks, but not much. My brother didn't really talk until he was three. I'm not worried about anything else - he's an exceptionally bright boy. (Knows his shapes, some letters, some numbers, recognizes songs from the melody, etc.)
ANYWAY, enough of that. XD Long post; apologies. I got up before everyone, so had time to write!