Jul 30, 2009 00:13
So I made a pretty hefty sum at my graduation party. A few months' worth of paychecks I didn't have to slave over a dated computer for. Tho, I did have to work for it. Party planning sucks. And I'm still paying for it wracking my brain with writing thank you notes. >___<
It's taken me awhile to figure out what I want to do with the money. So I split it (unevenly) four ways:
-one part paying a lump sum of the food costs (the rest to be paid in bi-weekly installments), which my sister covered (over $800 @_@)
-one part to my Roth IRA...million-dollar retirement, here I come...
-one part (the biggest part) to LOANS, which makes me feel accomplished for no reason (barely a dent in the overgrown jungle)
-one part to investing in stocks yielding dividends in an attempt to make money with money instead of spending it all at once in one place [eg LOANS] (to be used later for graduate school, abroad, and transportation)
Also...and this is perhaps the most exciting part, because I reached my minimum investment goal of the summer (thus, don't have to allocate QUITE so much per paycheck), I've decided to treat myself...and am going to "gift" myself with two books per paycheck (amounting to a book a week). :D
Haven't decided if I'll do it as "two books flat" (which sounds very attractive) or the more likely, less fun $20 bi-weekly to spend in a bookstore, cumulative, contingent on whether I decide to "hoarde" funds for a big spending spree and carry over spare unspent funds from previous weeks.
I think it will be a good way to catch up on things I've been meaning collect, but haven't really let myself. And just to be sure I don't cheat, I can even go slightly overboard and purchase gift cards every paycheck so that the money only goes to books and only in that very specific amount (any extra will have to be paid in cash from regular-spending funds).
Yay books!
It's funny that I'm so happy even with my checking account pretty neatly cleared out.