My brother played Christian Bale's freakout on the set of Terminator while I was holding the baby. At first, she started squirming, gave a little whine. I bounced her and showed her that it was only the computer (she's usually fine when we watch movies), but as Bale kept ranting, she burst into very real tears and I had to tell my brother to stop the video.
I listened to it later with headphones and was sufficiently appalled. Tho, what may be more appalling are the comments to the video where people encourage his behavior. "He's a good actor, so he can say what he wants."
FUCK THAT NOISE. As far as I can tell, and from what my brother's told me, the guy he's yelling at has a lot of experience and has put out some good work, so it's not like he's some rookie who doesn't know what he's doing, wandering around aimlessly on the set as people seem to think. I've lost my temper more than once during rehearsals myself, but I think the times it's happened, the other person was still stumbling on lines a week or less before showtime while everyone else had been memorized for weeks. And I certainly didn't keep going for several minutes nor have to have intervention and threaten to kick their ass.
I'm disappointed. Kids look up to him. I understand being frustrated and venting, but he took it a tad too far. Tho, the dispute was supposedly settled peacefully.
Stop making babies cry!
Good parody: dealing with Joaquin Phoenix's new persona)
Can't seem to find Stephen Colbert yelling at Steve Martin, who keeps walking in front of the camera. Hopefully it'll resurface. I'm sure it's great.
Still, I'm looking forward to the film...but I also know that as the emotional climax hits, I'll think of this and shake my head a little.