I think I've made my decision...

Sep 21, 2008 23:19

After much waffling and worrying, I think I've made my decision on the job situation.

I'm doing two part-time jobs while going to school (totaling maybe 15-22 or so hours a week) and normally, I wouldn't risk my performance and grades on money, but I have my reasons...

1) I might get cut off from financial aid next semester. I don't THINK it will happen...but it might. And I need to be sure I have enough money to cover next semester if that's the case.

2) if I get to keep my financial aid, all that money saved can go toward current loans and family debts (or get thrown into a CD before I attempt to pay lump sums of loans)

3) the usual State job has fewer and unsteady hours. These past four years it's sustained me as a one-time-a-week job during school and has managed to pay my phone bill and groceries with a little bit extra to stuff away. However, the hours have become unstable...some days, I get a full 8 or 9 hours...others, 5 or 6. The other job (at Le Crack) provides a cushion in case I'm short hours and most times, nearly the entire paycheck goes into my savings for school.

4) the employee discount is quite generous, so if I ever decide I'd like to add to my random assortment of clothes, I can...as well as get clothes for the kids at a pretty good price.

However, as with anything, there are downsides...

1) homework and study time is hurting. There are too few hours in the day and days that should be "catch up days" (ie: the weekend) are eaten up almost entirely with work.

2) it is very difficult to socialize. I have no social life. And I'm not sure if I CAN get one if I don't compromise other areas. I can't even really meet other people in class to study together...

3) I am having a hard time finding time for chores. Like grocery shopping. >___<

4) I'm selfish. I like having time to myself. Between classes, studying, working, and chitchat...there is no MEEEEEE time. *pouts* (which is why I've turned to dramas...it's mindless escapism. I just crave it)

So my solution, thus far, unless I come up with something better or become more disciplined as a person, is that I'll continue to work both jobs until the cold settles in. Once winter hits, I'll quit Le Crack. Because I really do need the money...so I'll make it while I can. But when it gets cold, logistically, it won't make any sense to stand out in the cold for the bus for a job that doesn't pay me nearly enough anyway...much less go through all that WHILE letting my grades suffer.

I'd also like to add that many people work full-time or part-time and go to school. True, not all get good grades, but I do believe with the right mindset and discipline, it can be done. I'm just not sure I have it. As a matter of fact, I KNOW I don't have it, as I like to spoil myself too much...but I'm determined not to see that as a failing. XD

job, finances, questions

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