I was reading the newspaper and I found there's a judge that was going to ban some names to be used in Dominican Republic. First thing I thought was 'well, maybe the names are pretty demeaning or vulgar'. God knows there are some names out there that makes you wonder if the parents love or hate that child. Then, I read the list of names. And while some names are like the ones I thought of, there are some that I just had to share with you.
First come the names of people. Not so bad. Parents really like/look up to those people so much they named their kids like them. last names and all.
1. Ernesto Che Pérez (Reminds of you the Che Guevara?)
2. Winston Churchill de la Cruz
3. John F. Kennedy Santana
4. Bruce Lee Antonio
5. Nat King Cole Martínez
6. Elton John Herrera
Second come the really wtf where they thinking? names. I'll even translate so anyone reading gets the full effect.
1. Adicto de los Santos (Addicted to the Saints)
2. Teamo Amador (LoveYou Amador)
3. Querida Piña (Dear Pineapple XD Piña is a common last name even here, but it still means pineappke in English. It's the 'dear' that kills me. Why? Just look at the next one.)
4. Querido Familia Pérez (Dear Pérez Family The syntax had to be changed in order to get the joke in English. The Fact that they changed 'querida' which is the real spelling of 'dear' to 'querido' just for the name to end in 'o' to make it a male name is funny as hell. I keep thinking they were expecting a girl and when out comes they boy, they just stuck him with the same name they were going to put to the girl, just with the vowels changed from 'a' to 'o' to make it a male name.)
Third and last come the names of...
Mazda Altagracia Ramírez
Datsun del Carmen Ureña
Nisan de la Cruz
Toshiba Fidelina Gómez
DaweooRadhamés García
Sorry, couldn't control myself from linking those. XD
I guess my plans of naming my kids: Emachine and Pentium (if I ever had twins), Soundwave (boy), Chromia or Elita-1 (yes, with the number for maximum effect for girl)or Peter Cullen were not as ridiculous as I thought they were. XD
Just in case I was kidding in that last part. I was not planning to name my kids that. Though now that I think about it...