I'm going to write this down because right now I'm really scared and maybe this will calm me down some. It's all my sister's fault, I was fine and watching tv in the living room when she came in carrying her sheet over her head and almost running. She sat in front of me and only said "I'm scared."
I asked her what happened and she tells me she had just finished talking with her boyfriend and was about to turn off the lights and go to sleep when she gets the urge to look out the window and sees this black-shadowed face with glowing red eyes watching her. It it had been me I would've screamed my head off (I freeze when I panic so I know running is out), but instead she put her sheet over her head so she could not look at it looking at her and walked over to the window to close it. Then, she ran to the living room to tell me and beg me to go to my room with her so she could sleep.
It might be selfish of me, but I told her I was going with her. Truth be told, I'm scared to see something like that. And if she falls asleep, she leaves me there "alone". Instead, I am currently alone in my living room, trying hard to ignore the urge to look at the window in front of me and trying to calm down enough to go to the room. It's my room too, so I gotta go sleep there anyway.
You know what doesn't help? The fact that my brother got into the habit of keeping all his windows off after two times he woke up feeling something watching him and saw a face with red eyes on his window. I know that because back then I was in the TF RP and would go to sleep pretty late, so I was awake when he woke up both times and spent half an hour watching tv while I RPed. Adding to that, the fact that my windows have been closed for two days (with no explanation as to why. I just came one day and found them all closed) which only makes me think something happened to have them closed.
I know this time of the year is suppposed to be holy, but nothing but bad things happen to us whenever this time comes. I really don't want to think something is acutally stalking us. For one, I'm not pretentious enough to think we are that important to supernatural beings. And second, I've read enough to know thinking like that only gives the bad things actual power over you. I've got enough with my entire family willing to give things power for me to start doing it too.
I did tell my sister to make a prayer. I may not be the poster picture for Christianity, but I've got my own reasons to believe in God (churches are another thing entirely). I made a quuick prayer too, but that doesn't stop me from being scared. Hence, you have me writing this to calm my nerves.
I wonder what the dog was doing when she saw it. Aren't they supposed to bark when weird shit happens? The neighbors' dogs are barking now, mine is still quiet. It makes me miss Shadow and Fury. Those two would be barking along with them.
You know, maybe it was the leaves of that tree mom planted behind our room along with the glow of the street lamp that's accross the street behind our house. I'm willing to bet money on it, but that won't calm me down. And it certainly didn't calm my sister when I told her that.
Anyway, that's it. This helped a little, so good night.