May 14, 2006 10:03
i looked at all the journal entries from my friends from this past week and there are so many i want to read, but i just have no time. i got to read two of them today, and that is it. i'm pretty stressed out, i have this huge history project that is due tomorrow andi haven't done much regarding the project... and here i am updating my livejournal.
so i said i was going to update more, i was thinking maybe and entry everday or so, but i'm failing to do that. it seems like i have no time anymore, but when i think about it i don't really do anything, so i have no idea where all my time goes. anyway.
this weekend has had it's up and downs. when it was great, it was REALLY great... and when it wasn't great, it still wasn't THAT bad, which is good.
friday night was the dance show, and i think we all did very well. it went a ton better than the previous dance show, in my opinion at least. i felt dumb because i totally missed the bow for one of my dances. i was just sitting in one of the rooms offstage, and i noticed no one was around. so i go backstage to see if people were waiting to go onstage to bow, and my dance had already bowed. so i kind of just ran onstage, as if i had been there the whole time. doubt i fooled anyone, hah. after that i rushed over to Arun's house, because it seemed like i hadn't seen anyone in forever. i had so much fun there, i was just in a really good mood and i was so glad to be around people i love.
saturday, katelin came over in her van, lol. she let me drive it, it was tight. i wanted to yell at little kids on the street "get in my van," but reframed from doing so. we went down to in and out, got grub [i never hear anyone say that, thought i'd try it out, haha] then went to my old school for this music thing. stayed there for like, 5 minutes, then i left because i had to make it to the public library before it closed. then went home, then to antonio's because he was gave me a ride to the show. i was stoked about not having to drive. just being in petaluma kind of sucked, iwasn't having that much fun. but once the phenomanaunts set came, i was having so much fun. angelina and i held hands the whole time and just danced and danced, and skipped around in the pit, lol. got hella beat up, but it was so much fun. Laura ended up getting hurt and lost her shoe, so i went in and found her shoe and stuck with her for a few minutes. then we left and i got home and hour and ten minutes after my curfew of 12:00. i got home to a grilled cheese waiting for me (: it was so good. i seriously love my mom.
today i am just staying here at daves, working on my massive history project that i am stressing about. hope everyone has had a good weekend.