Yep, that's right. I saw it first on the Ribon Wakuwaku community here on LJ, and now it's been already listed to Baka-Updates.
Yeah, I know. WTH? >_>;
Well, but Twilight got Light Novel format drawn by
Gotsubo Ryuuji, why not give this hit a manga... Good lord, my cousins are going to freak if I show them this!
But it's on Ribon Magazine yeah.. shoujo! At least Asabuki Mari has really nice art.
Man, I love manga world organisation. So neat!
Wednesday!!! I'm going to MADRID!!! Fo three days! Bus ride eheh. I love living on the frontier of Spain/Portugal, makes things easier. Got to put my rusty vocal spanish into use D=
Ah, I'll post more stuff soon. when I come back.