what, now?

Apr 07, 2007 10:25

OK, let's recap for a moment. It's April. In Texas. Now, when you normally think of April in Texas, you think of, oh, hottish weather bordering on OMGHOT. Rain. Trees sending their...reproductive juices every which way (mostly every way that I'm going). You don't, however, think of WINTRY MIXes.1

And yet, WINTRY MIX is what we're expecting today. And tomorrow. The...hell?

In other news, I've been emailed by KEVIN BACON. Yes. He wants to be my BFF! Or...he just wants me to join "Six Degrees", where I can "help bring a social conscience to social networking". Yeah. That's right. Kevin Bacon (the actor) wants people on AIM to create their own Six Degrees Homepages, and champion charities. 2

He does realize that most of the AIM users are still kind of on the young side, right?

Now, I have to clean. Yay cleaning. But I'd like to take a moment to say how awesome the movies on TBS are. I just finished watching some movie where cheerleaders dress up as these Betty dolls to rob a bank, because one of them is pregnant. And now I'm watching a movie where J. Lo is a cop. I don't think it's Out of Sight, but I don't know what other movie it could be, where J. Lo played a cop.

ETA: FOUND IT! Angel Eyes is the J. Lo movie.

1 - WINTRY MIX is the term weatherpeople like to use when they know something is going to fall from the sky while it's cold outside, but they don't know what that something will be. It could be tree frogs, for all I know. As long as it's a)cold and b)falling from the sky, it will still be "WINTRY MIX".

2 - I'm not joking, y'all. Here is Nicole Kidman's homepage.

randomosities, weather

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