picture of the week:
symbol of the week: notes
monday: my friend ja-naru gave me a blank book for a house warming gift on saturday, but id idn't know what to do with it until monday. i started using it for a random writer's notes kind of thing. just like me to go and waste a perfectly good present. ^^; this week was all about reviewing for finals...which i'm scared to death of, because some of my grades are already c's.
tuesday: got a present from my friend tersa. grape lipgloss and french vanilla lotion...but that's the only christmas present i got all week, sadly. does this mean i stink or something? tersa always gives me lotion for some reason...o.o;; started studying for my ap euro final...
wednesday: finished this chibi leiko thing for christmas. i ended up doing backwards hands again and i really hate myself for it. >< darn me and my lazy self for not working hard enough on poses!!
thursday: i began actually reading the ap euro book and writing my outlines for chapter 18 and 19. i really like ap euro, but i can't seem to do well on the tests. i guess i don't take the class seriously enough, and i had to do some extra credit, because of this in case i bomb the final. btw, final's only count (in most classes) as 10% of our grades. also, finished runestar pg.15. i should have finished pg.16 too, but school is just crazy right now. *sighs*
friday: i cried after school. the stress was just too much for me. most kids my age don't give a hoot about their grades, and i wouldn't either if my parent's didn't expect so much from me. my dad was a major whiz at everything when he was my age and my mother wasn't hardly good at anything so i'm expected to do really good. then there's the fact that i'm the first born child...basically i'm a project and if i fail all hell lets loose in my house. i can't even get a C in one class without them getting on my case. it didn't really start hurting me until i went to french. i learned before that class that i have a c in yet another class and in french i was missing some things for my grade. these were the final straws. fortunately, i have my friends to cheer me up, i'm so glad i have people who care enough about me at school. finally came home and continued on my outlines, but not alot was finished because my parents wanted me to watch a movie with them...skeleton key. not that scary or suspensful. ugh...
saturday: finished my outlines and continued working on this major chibi picture for christmas i've been working on. i swear, i've never put so much deatil into one peice of artwork. -.-;;; i'll never do it again unless i have a major amount of free time to spend. we had to go to this art museum, because of me to do my extra credit, which a review on the picasso exhibit they have there this month. i really like the museum and i learned that they have classes there as well, maybe i'll go take some once i graduate.
sunday/today: i've been staying home again to study and do chores. i still have to finish studying for ap euro and do the dishes, unfortunately can't do either until my brother finishes his homework. i really would hope i can finish these christmas presents for my friends. well, i gotta go and study exc. now. toodle loo!