warning: this journal entry contains pirate slang...enjoy!~
picture o' t' day:
symbol o' t' day: eyepatch
today be "talk like a pirate" day! tis be sounding fun, but i didn't find out this information until i came home. *sighs* ah well, i still have t' rest o' t' afternoon and night t' talk like a pirate! :D
1st hour fnd o' tech I: me partner showed up at least 5 minutes late today. -.-; i tried t' make him read somethin' from t' textbook soon after and he kept askin' me t' pronounce words for him. ...sound it out! thermo isn't that hard!"
2nd hour adv algebra: thin's be really startin' t' get confusin' in this class with t' systems, inequalities, and substitution exc. i just hope i can keep up and figure thngs out. we received 2 worksheets that i couldn't figure out at all! they were completely different from what me teacher did up on t' board.
3rd hour research methods: i had forgotten about t' quiz we had in this class last night, but no worries i remembered t' study and i think i did rather well. t' only thin' i had a problem with was t' question that asked for an entry from a general website (not a database), because i looked up somethin' different when i was studyin' on accident.
4th hour ap wrld euro: i managed t' finish me research methods homework and ap world euro homework for wednesday in here. today we learned about henry IV who had 6 wives and went t' Davy Jones' locker involuntarily 2 o' them, because they couldn't produce sprogs. one o' his wives lead t' t' birth of, "bloody" mary. t' teacher wouldn't explain t' story about her t' us just yet, because it was someone's assignment t' talk about her, but after class i asked t' teacher and it turns out that mary enheirited t' throne durin' a prodestant age and wanted everyone t' convert t' catholic (or be executed). she ended up executin' 300 people. o.O evil lady...
after school i gave tersa's mother some doubloons for gas that i got from me mom. once i got home i finished me math homework and ate what crawled out o' t' bung hole. a couple minutes ago i was doin' t' dishes with kura and he was bein' difficult about it and i wanted t' shout out, "argh! this tis be mutiny!!" xDD i'm startin' t' get in t' pirate mood
if YOU wish t' translate your land lubber language to pirate language
click here. if you wish to read the official site on "talk like a pirate" day then
click here.