picture of the day:
symbol of the day:
at school today they started this campaign to "stop the bop." basically they're trying to raise money for the people who are having problems with katrina. the catch is: they're going to keep playing that hanson song "mmm bop." in between periods and in the lunchroom during lunch until we raise enough money. extortion some call it...i prefer the word: torture.
1st hour adv drawing: oi...this is what ruined my whole day...you know that great collage i was so proud of that i finished last thursday. well, someone either stole/trashed it. this was an injustice against everything art stands for. how could this happen to me? i clearly put my name on that and it was the best thing in the back...it made me so frustrated that when i started talking to the teacher about it i just started crying out of nowhere in front of the whole class. then they tried to calm me down and baby me and that was just wonderful. -.-;; at first i thought "if i ever find that person i'm going to hurt them, write an angry letter, or steal their artwork..." but then at dinner dad became upset with me so now i just hope karma happens to the pethetic fool who did something to my art. if i was god, hell would be full to bursting right now...
2nd hour adv swimming: yeah, i was supposed to swim 22 laps today, but i only got to 12, but since i wasn't being watched very well and everyone else was going in i think i got away with it. still hate the smell of chlorine...i want to take a shower right now. i think i'll do that here soon. i took my time doing everything today, because i was depressed and didn't care anymore.
3rd hour human physiology: i actually did some disecting myself today instead of watching the other people in my group do it. i opened up the skull and almost got the brain out. except...i cut part of the brain out, which of course i wasn't supposed to do. >< i'm so glad the disection is not a grade! everyone kept saying that our brain was squished and i felt so bad for doing it on accident. *sighs*
4th hour honors french IV: well, more olympics. and more of my team basically falling behind the others in 3rd place. wednesday is the last time we'll have those games. i think i should try to study more endings by then, especially since i have a verb quiz that day.
anywho, elie is being upset with me just because she can and she's upset about the bop stuff going on at school. i wanted to submit the pictures from the con, but i guess that's not going to happen, especially because elie took most of them. i guess i could just link them on my page to wherever she posts them. oi...i'm still very tired and i want to sleep and take a shower. ja ne...