Me, Myself, and Eye o.o;

Aug 24, 2005 18:30

picture of the day:

symbol of the day: ID

i had a problem today with how i looked. we received our id tags and i didn't like my picture very much (people said it looked like a mugshot) and leafy teased me saying i was a lesbian and i was having incest with my sister. -.- i don't love my sister THAT way, okay? i know he was just kidding, but it made me somewhat upset that people could think of me like that. i dunno...i joked around about getting a boyfriend just so they'd shut up about me, but then i realized that i sounded really shallow for just kidding. *sighs*

1st hour adv drawing: i found out that my friend leafy is a homosexual. i had heard from a friend that he was, but i didn't believe it, because i thought it would be best if he told me himself. so today when he said it was a secret and that it might be something illegal i was worried, but now i'm sure everything will be okay. i can't really say what it was that he told me, but i can say that it confirmed the rumor i heard. it doesn't change the friendly relationship i have with him at all, and it shouldn't. homeroom: more crud about goal setting and careers and that kinda stuff. bah. i have enough time... 2nd hour adv swimming: i-i left my swimsuit at home! ;.; so i had to use one of my days to skip today...*sighs* all i did was sit around and write more of chap. 5 of runestar. wish i had more to do. 3rd hour human physiology: we played body system charades in class. we were each given something to act out with our partner and people would have to guess what body system it went to. so one of the boys was handed a slip of paper that said childbirth so he sat up on a table, spread out his arms and legs, shoke all over and cried, "oh god!" everyone laughed (including me) and in the process the big bumhat kicked his friend who was sitting next to him in the face. he then had to go to the bathroom, because his lip was bleeding and when he came back my teacher said that he should have learned something from today, that when his wife gives birth he better stay out of the way! xDD 4th hour honors french IV: another boring/difficult day of french. we had to write a conversation and memorize it starting on monday and we have to perform it after the test on friday. test!? >>;;

i haven't had any time to do anything other than write on here or in my notebook (runestar). i really want to draw something, but i really don't have any ideas, and if i wanted to get some i'd have to scramble about the internet and my siblings don't like me being on here too long. my brother is already acting like a jerk right i go to go.

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