picture of the day:
symbol of the day: laughing gas (doesn't actually make you laugh)
yay, i think i'm going to like mondays! we get to sleep in until 7:30am+, because we don't have to be at school until 8:45am, plus i don't have homeroom and i can just take my time doing things until then.
1st hour adv drawing: n.n i wore the stockings dad bought me yesterday and even though 2 people thought i looked skanky i felt pretty kewl in what i was wearing...although it was a tad uncomfy. in class i finished my drawing of leafy and next we're starting on a still life drawing with white colored pencil and black paper. leafy keeps taking his time with his drawings and not finishing them, he's a perfectionist. he told me that he can get me a job at his workplace, i'm thinking about it. 2nd hour adv swimming: we swam lengths and different strokes again. then we did this thing in the shallow end where we created a current by running in a circle then went the opposite way, which was hard and i think i hurt my ankle in the process. then we tredded water in the deep end of the pool. afterwards i dressed and worked on writing runestar and this drawing i've been working on.
3rd hour human physiology: okay, prepare for funniness! we were going over the body systems again when this girl started this conversation on tails and that she heard people can be born with them. i already knew they could and that when you're a fetus you have one for a short time, but anywho here's the conversation that occured:
teacher: yes, people can have tails, but they can't wag them like on that movie, shallow hal.
girl: so if you have it you can't wag it?
random boy: what!? what did you say??
xDDDDDD i know, it sounds so wrong, but i couldn't help bursting out into laughter. she became really mad at the guy, especially since i wasn't the only person laughing at the whole situation. god, you never know when that kind of crud is supposed to happen, but when it does. XD
4th hour honors french IV: confusion yet again, we ended up doing an activity with groups and partners again. i had guys basically for partners today. those of which were all cute in their own ways. yay, i'm actually kinda glad that i was attracted to them. i've been worried about my sexuality lately...o.o; did i just say that?? ah well...
after school i hung out with my friends as usual, except today my sister brought the digital camera and so i went around "stealing" people's souls. then all of the sudden i heard a scream, that's when i noticed the sprinkler's turned on near where a couple of freshman were sitting. xDD more hilarious action. as my friend noon pointed out, "that was awesome! you can't make this s*** up!" then a couple of my friends started putting their heads in the sprinkler's and basically they became the local bathing spots. then i had to go home. recently my siblings have been annoying me: my sister keeps asking me questions for her homework and when i don't help her (because i'm too busy with other things) she gives me a guilt trip. then my brother keeps poking me, messing with my hair, and humming out of nowhere.