How amazing... How utterly mad it is, that in a country that proclaims itself as the greatest on Earth and as the defender of freedom and
democracy, it can take up to 4 hours (or more!) to cast a vote...
It seems that the system itself is working against the basic tenets of democracy. Due to the very mechanism of the voting system many will be discouraged and some incapacitated from the essential rule of democracy: that all eligible people have the right to vote. By putting barriers - such as controlling the flow of voters and making overseas voting extremely complicated - and removing traceability - by enforcing electronic voting machines (owned by which company?) - the United States government hampers the basic process of democracy within its nation's borders.
... and still the government in question allows itself to stampede upon sovereign nations, claiming to be the bringer of freedom and democracy. Yeah, don't do as I do, just do as I say, right?
And for those that haven't thought of it: I sincerely wish that the US of A would open voting to all members of the human race. After all, who runs the White House pretty much determines the future of this Planet. Would You like to donate your vote? I'm sure many around this globe would be willing to buy your voice... especially those stuck under the rule of the US army in Iraq and Afghanistan.