Sailing from the Faroe Islands to Iceland

Jun 29, 2005 12:00

Wednesday 29th June 22:13 (european time)

In the wallowy waves again.
Big waves this time...

They are big but very soft. They are the sort that just balance you up and down in a gentle movement. If you do not look outside it feels like you are in a soft tumbler of some sort, but when you gaze into the distance the magnitude of the gentle movements hit home.

Fuck these are huge waves.

Today has been better for other people.
For me it has been... well.
A day.

Woke up and swear I could have felt an earthquake. Walter says he didn't feel it, but I did.
The earth moved beneath me, shook back and forth, for at least five seconds.

Shortly thereafter, I was washing my teeth, face and feet in the brilliant little waterfall/river right besides where we slept. Cold water, but brilliant :)
The air was warm and my feet rejoiced at feeling the earth again (didn't wear shoes, if I'm not being explicit enough). We drove on and I took some pictures, which were ok, but not really fine.
From waking up onwards, I felt that my overall energy levels are super low. My body is sort of sore, from what, I don't really know.
Driving was nice because all I had to do was give directions once or twice and then ask that we stop whenever my energy was more or less up (to take pictures). I have fallen in love with drive-by shooting, which means that all I do is roll down the window and frame the shot more or less and then just take the picture. Sometimes it works perfectly and sometimes not. Mostly, if I don't even try taking the picture well, it turns out magnificent.
I have come to believe my little D70 has a little life of its own and when I try to frame a picture, I am just putting myself in its way :P

We arrived in Torshavn and went for coffee/tea at our favorite 'Café Kheops'. Last year I had the most brilliant omelet there and thought I could have one of those now, as I couldn't stop thinking about food (although I felt no hunger).
Being a better day for others, of course, they didn't do omelets anymore.
So I had a big mug of black tea with plenty of milk and sugar.
It was good, my tummy was warm.

After sitting there for a good couple of hours, sipping our drinks and looking at the people in this café, we decided to walk to SMS, the local mall, and buy some of that brilliant raspberry yoghurt drink. As hunger had finally made a call, it seemed like the perfect appetizer.

As we got out, I drank it whole and felt filled.
We walked on and slowly, but unfortunately surely, my stomach turned to jelly.
Sounds strange, I know, but it was just that feeling that all of the parts were slowly melting into this really uncomfortable blob of blaah.

Hunger flew into the wall and nausea came to replace it.

We walked a bit and all I felt like doing was to punch anyone, or then just simply fall and die. I wasn't feeling physically that ill, but it affected my mental health somehow and *graaaaaah* all possible bad emotions came *blob* to the surface.

I think the crow we saw while walking away from SMS had something to do with it.
We walked past this little house and past a lovely garden where we heard two crows screaming their usual crow noises. But these were angry.
One flew away as we approached and the other one stayed.
It hit the branch with its beak and I asked Walter what it was doing. At first he said it was looking for insects but then as this crow continued its frenzied banging we both started to feel the anger. This crow was bloody pissed off.
I mean, human pissed off.
Like if someone really tricked you and you wanted to kill this person.
Or if you bought the most amazing car, spent ages saving for it and then crashed it in the first curve you took.
That kind of mental crazy-killing mood pissed off.
It was 'crowing' angry, banging the branches and then, the most funny but disturbing of all, it attacked the leaves. Like a dog that growls and shakes a ball, it did the same with the little branches with leaves on them.
If I were sitting by you, I could demonstrate it, but by writing it's tough to make these noises.
It was two trees away from us but when it jumped to the one right by us and continued its angry shouting, growling, banging and shaking, we decided it was time for us to go.
That was destruction energy pure.

Well, I didn't quite feel like that, but somehow that feeling had sunk into my heart and nothing felt right anymore.

So yeah, when we were walking by the boat to check it out, I felt like screaming when Walter stopped to see the cars. I mean, I am in no way dependent of his movements and could go my own way, but I had this irrational bad feeling inside, all around.
Damn hormones :P

I took some pictures and nothing really turned out as I wanted, then we went back to the car and drove to the petrol station and nothing worked out right again.
And I knew exactly this would happen.
I said I would go to the toilet, so he asked if I could lock the door.
I did.
Went inside and smelled the wonderful freshly baked stuff.
Remembered the locked door.
Went to the toilet instead of going back for the wallet.
There was no paper to dry my hands after washing them.
I saw Walter by the cash and hoped he would ask me if I wanted something, instead he asked me if I had coins.
I said I needed the car keys to go get them.
I got them.
Thought he didn't have enough money.
He had more than enough but by that time he had paid and I didn't want to be a pain and ask for some so that I could get something.
And anyway, I didn't see anything I really wanted.
I wanted just to eat the smell.

I got back into the car and I could have ripped my skin off, I was feeling so horribly angry, or something. Just irritated to an extreme.

Walter made a sweet joke, but it pissed me off more than anything and he said that he was going to leave me alone.
I realized how horrid I was really feeling and stopped banging my head against the wall, or should I say branch.

We came to the boat and waited. We packed our stuff ready and I was feeling better. I put on a smile and tried to calm down. It was better.
Soon enough we were on the boat again and coming up to take this spot we are sitting at, one of the only comfy places with electricity freely available.

The boat left an hour and a half after we got on board and I went to the deck to take pictures.
It was cloudy.
Not only cloudy, foggy as well.
Ah, makes for good atmosphere pictures... except when they turn out too dark.
Got a couple I was really sort of happy with and then came back down to put them on the computer and haaaaaaaaa.... the ones that looked brilliant are either too dark or so badly hit by the sun that you can really see the dust and dirt on the lens.
*blimy hell*

I looked at them, put some here, there and then hunger grew again (bad feeling having been left at the port of Torshavn) and finally mustered the strength to go ask for some food.
It isn't being served anymore.
Service stopped at eight.

Got an apple juice, a banana-pear yoghurt.
I tried to get some coffee for Walter but the machine was empty.
I am grateful the woman before me asked for more so I could get some.
She filled the machine, and soon I regretted it.

I had 28,50 krona in my hand and the total sum was 41.
It was 5 euros and 70 cents.
I had 5 and 50 euro notes in my wallet.

Now I have plenty of change in a currency I won't be using for at least two months.

"Ah, it's all ok. I'll sit down, enjoy my stuff and Life"
I sat down, opened the yoghurt, put one spoonful into my mouth and thought "hmm, white liquid, quite tasteless."
I finished it and with a smile proceeded to enjoy my apple juice, but soon enough my worries were realized, they had changed the kind of apple juice, and this one, that is still sitting next to me, is simply bad.

The only brilliant part in the day would have to be the time I spent on the deck, in the cold weather, waiting for sun to return. It finally did, and someone sent me some entertaining company.

So, I made the acquaintance of a musician that has been playing since 33 years, mostly on boats such as this one. He is of Bulgarian descent but has lived in Stockholm since 1977. Nice person, good kind of heart and he also had a Powerbook :) brilliant minds recognize one another.
*hehehe* just joking.

He took two pictures of me after we talked about this and that, and then proceeded to invite me for tea in his room. It was a kind gesture, but an easily avoided trap.

Some lessons from the day:
When you are hungry, eat. Do not try to accommodate to others especially when they do not need to be accommodated for.
If you feel like killing everyone, don't. That feeling will eventually go by.
If you need to go to the toilet, do, but take you wallet with you. You never know what goodies might meet you on the way.

Facts of the day:
Large commercial boats in the Baltic sea stop sailing when the winds hit 24 meters per second.
Norröna stops sailing when winds hit 50 meters per second.
Think twice, or even ten times, before taking this boat in the winter time.
They will sail, even if it is to certain doom.
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