Another video out of chrono-logic...
Never in my Life has it been so impossibly difficult to go from one place to the next as it was in Nepal. From the very beginning of my entry into the country it was fight-fight-fight to get anywhere. Angry taxi drivers, muddy roads about to collapse, landslides and unexplained stops, messed up directions, crazy bus drivers and whatever else you might imagine...
It took time for me to "adjust" to Nepali traffic and sense of time. There you don't expect to get anywhere, no matter the destination on your ticket. There you don't wait, you give up and let Life roll out in front of your eyes while you sit as a silent witness. Once you get that, once you manage to let go of the Western tendency to run after time as if it were a tangible and objective measure, then, and only then, you can enjoy, feel the wind and laugh.
Thank You Nepal.
You taught me incredible lessons.
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