catch up!

Sep 15, 2008 08:35

Good Morning!

Today was the first day this fall that I've had to wake up in the dark for work. It was very.. confusing. You know that feeling where you're not sure if you woke up on your own and it's actually 3:00am and the whole shutting off the alarm thing was just a dream? That's totally what this morning was like. Hello fall '08.

This past weekend felt like summer all over again, all rolled into two days. I went to dinner with Dustin, a comedy show, Library Square for 90's night, I rode my bike all over the city, spent a morning photoshopping, an afternoon in the park drinking Strong Bow with Garret, Dustin, Jordan, Jake & Co., Coral & Darcy's wine & cheese birthday celebrations with EVERYONE (epic car rides there & back), breakfast with Nigel, Jordan & Darcy, then four square in McLean park for the rest of Sunday until haircut time with Tanis and a nice dinner at home with Nigel. Gossip Girl was on and I literally passed out from happy exhaustion around ten last night. Every weekend should be like this weekend.

(I'm not done any of the pictures from Saturday night yet but..)

There are so many good things coming up this week too - Cherry & Matt hangouts today, lunch with Sacha tomorrow afternoon, L.A. on Wednesday! (art show Thursday, dancing Friday! etc. etc.) Ginks & Bella get shaved Saturday morning and I'll be home Sunday night with more pictures and hopefully a good story or two. ♥ ♥ ♥

n, bar, library square, weekend, cheena, friends, breakfast, photos, dustin

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