Chuck_gaidica sent this
link to an Adbusters article proving hipsters are the end of Western Civilization. Since it's Adbusters, you know it are searious. Yes, it's fun to hate young coke head hipsters. Of course, I thought... Blah Blah.. until we saw a girl yesterday,.. on the Upper East Side with a pre-tattered Soundgarden T, hoop earrings and... Crocs.
(1st pic taken with my hipster SmartFøn on the MD / WV border)
I can't talk because we rushed into NYC for a couple hours just to eat best vegan restaurant meal ever at a place called
Curly's Vegetarian Lunch. We fit right in the middle of their ironic demographic scale:
To our right was a young couple reading books at the same table but never talking (the just-turned-21 male of the species had full arm and leg tattoo sleeves / pantlegs leaving no real estate for life-experience exspansion). To our left was a elbow-patched, corduroy jacket filled with former actor.
Vegan sports fan cupcakes are hipster too, but I don't care:
Even SI thinks the Big Ten is sooo 2002.