Wellity, wellity, wellity...

Jan 30, 2005 22:16

Ok so, u know that dude Justin I wrote about yesterday? Well I found out 2day that he's taken a liking 2 me. The weirdest thing about the whole thing is that, 4 once, my horoscope was right. I know it's just a coincidence cuz I don't believe in all that universe jargon...but it's still weird. But anyways...

I'm kinda happy about this information 2 b honest. I mean, like I said yesterday, he's cute. Plus he promised that he was only not-so-hype cuz it was our first outing and such. But, i dunno, I think I could actually tell that night that there was some energy between us. I mean, he sat next to me at JR's and he said once that he wasn't gonna move, tho I did eventually but that had to do with a roach. I suppose the next time we see a movie he'll sit next 2 me instead of the P. Hee hee hee...

Now, I realize that everyone who even bothers to read this thing(hi dweeb) knows who he is and was even there that night. So i'll spare the details and "stats fo yo ass" (Coach Carter).

I'm quite curious about how he'll act the next time we all kick it, which might not b for 2 weeks cuz i'm booked this weekend :-( But w/e, I can b patient. But enough about this 4 now...

2day, I went 2 church and I was stuffy the whole time. I woke up this morning with 1 clogged nostril. Don't u hate that shyt? I know I do. I'm still sniffing right now as we speak. I h8 havin' these damned allergies. When I got home I had some of my mom's famous tacos, as I did last night. Now they're all gone tho, which is sad, but she's cooking a roast for 2morrow right now so it's off one good meal and on to the next.

Right now I'm watching a movie on TNT called "Enough" with Jennifer Lopez. This and "Selena" r her only good movies. There's also a comedy thing for George Lopez on but imma watch this till the end cuz it's about to get good. I'm at the part when she's about to kick her husband's ass. See, the story is that he was abusive. She's a cop tho and she's decided to take revenge on the fool. Good 4 her, I say. A man should never put his hand on a woman in anger. Period...

Uh oh, she's lacin' up her timbs and puttin' on the heavy rings. It's about to get serious. I g2g.

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