Domino, Siryn, Nocturne, Logan & Jean, Icarus, Rogue, Polaris, Storm, Mystique, Pixie, etc.

Apr 07, 2008 12:25

[1] Domino + 1 variation
[1] Siryn + 1 variation
[1] Nocturne
[2] Logan & Jean + 2 variations
[1] Icarus + 1 variation
[1] Rogue + 1 variation
[2] Polaris + 3 variations
[5] Mercury
[5] Psylocke [includes 3 of her glorious butt]
[4] Marvel Girl + 1 variation
[2] Pixie
[1] Mystique
[1] Storm

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icons: rogue, icons: logan & jean, icons: psylocke, icons: mystique, icons: icarus, icons: nocturne, icons: siryn, icons: polaris, icons: pixie, icons: storm, icons: domino, icons: mercury, icons: marvel girl

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burningwhisper April 7 2008, 18:38:42 UTC
Thanks! Her red hair really helped :D I think I like the first Rogue, the last Rachel, the first Pixie, and the Mystique ones the best. Oh, and I coloured one of your drawings! I haven't coloured in a while ... & it kinda shows =/ I had to give Rictor a trim because his hair was NOT co-operating. But I hope ya like it anyway.


twbasketcase April 7 2008, 18:47:24 UTC
Yeah, the hair and her skin make all of her icons so unique! They turned out awesome! :D

And thanks for colouring that! Rictor's hair could have used a trim anyhow; I wasn't particularly happy with the way I had drawn it in that picture anyways. XD But the skin tones especially I like! :D

And hey, if you ever want drawings to practice colouring with, I do have more that are just pencils. I think I have a few at my LJ under the fanart tag, and I have a BUNCH more at my deviantart account ( *hugs you*


burningwhisper April 7 2008, 18:59:30 UTC
haha non-organic skin would make pretty much anyone unique :D Or, you know, a mutant =p

No problem! I liked its craziness :D funny story there. I originally had them both 'Star's colour, then it occurred to me that Rictor was Mexican. Luckily his skin was the last thing I did so I just undid it and made him Mexican. yaaaaay Mexicans!

Ooh! Sounds good :D Thanks a lot. I super hate colouring pencils, but I want to get better. Ink is waaaaay easier. & I didn't know what colour 'Star's eyes were ... it said red/translucent on the site, but the picture provided showed them as blue. And they were pretty. So I used that instead XD *hugs you back*

& I just noticed that you're Canadian, too! yaaaaaaaay. go us. That is an unfortunate town name you have, though.


twbasketcase April 7 2008, 19:04:31 UTC
*DIES* very true ;P

hahaha, I know, eh? So many comic colourists forget that about him and draw him the exact same as everyone else! It's a shame really because latinos are damn fine :D

Yeah I figure pencils would be hard to work with, but I like doing all my shading with art pencils (I use thirteen different kinds of pencils when I draw XD). Oh about that! On the site it's hair/eyes so red(hair)/translucent(eyes). Most colourists draw them blue in the comics, but his eyes are actually supposed to be very pale grey/silver type deal. But blue works too :P

I am! I actually live in the same town as Ana, to tell you the truth. XD


burningwhisper April 7 2008, 19:21:26 UTC
:D Totally.

I was looking at it and I'm like ... this doesn't look right for some reason. haha I was brilliant. Well, duh! :D

That's um ... a lot. haha. Holy crap are you serious? Wow. I really am brilliant today. Guh. Well, at least I know for next time :D

Oh really?? Awesome. I live in a 'burb of Toronto. yay the 'burbs. That's a really, really fun word XD


twbasketcase April 7 2008, 19:25:09 UTC

Yeah, he's all tanned and 'Star is actually quite pale. So they always have a wonderful contrast :D

*DIES* yeah, I'm a shading nerd. I love working with them. Hahahahaha it's all good. Maybe I should change that to make it easier to understand ;P

Really? I'm only about 3 hours from there! Toronto, I mean.


burningwhisper April 7 2008, 19:45:26 UTC
Yeah! It's all ... shiny :D

Well you're good at it! I can't shade for beans. No don't! haha I'll feel like an idiot =p I'm sure no one's as dumb as me right now XD Don't worry about it.

woo! Par-tay in T.O! haha I need to go there soon ... I haven't gotten new comics in aaaaaaaages. I can practically hear the Silver Snail calling my name :D


twbasketcase April 7 2008, 19:49:34 UTC

Haha thanks! *DIES* well that's not true. If it messed one person up, there's a good chance it messed someone else up too. XD

You have to go all the way to Toronto for your comics!? That sucks! But the 'Snail RULES. I will forever love that place because I got all my RicStar issues of love from there <3


burningwhisper April 7 2008, 19:57:44 UTC
:D You're welcome! Yes but this one person is exceptionally dumb today. haha only change it if YOU want to, not because of my dumbness.

Technically, no, there's some stores in Richmond Hill, but they're kinda poopy. & Toronto's not that far at all from me. Half an hour, forty minutes, by transit. About half that driving time. It's my favourite place in Toronto! Coming in at second and third are the World's Biggest Bookstore and of course, the Condom Shack! haha yay. Everything I have [which isn't much ... but anyway] with the exception of 3 books came from the Snail. & I have a guy! I have his card and everything. Except every time I go, he's conspicously absent. I've been waiting for a certain issue for like a year now ... ugh. It's the last part in an arc and AGH. I also like looking at all the stuff I can't afford :D Like the busts and collectibles and such in the glass display cases near the front and at the back of the store. & I LOVE issues of love! haha <3


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