The past week has been pretty uneventful. I made dinner for my roomate- I made wild rice soup, and it was super good. SUPER! I rode my bike to the doctor today to get my hepatitis b shot. i had to start over on the series because i got the first one 3 years ago, and this is bad. i'm supposed to have all of my immunizations done by the time i start school in august, but i won't be able to get the 3rd hepatitis shot until the end of august. i really don't want to start med school off on the wrong foot, so i hope that this is not going to be a problem. i guess theres nothing i can do about it at this point. friday is my last day of classes, then the final ceremony is next friday. this semester went by so fast! i'm excited to travel, then move back home, then start school. here is a picture of where i will spend the next 4 years of my life:
i wish i could go to graduation, so for everyone who reads this who is graduating, congradulations and good luck i guess. come visit me in mpls.