Jan 20, 2005 15:44
i messed up, again. i let anger, or frustration, or jealousy, or what ever take over, and i shouldn't have. i need to think before i speak and i intend to work on that. when i am wrong i admit i am wrong, and i was wrong. i shouldn't have wrote some of the things i wrote in one of my previous LJ's. misty i truly apoligize for what i wrote, i guess i didn't realize how much that hurt you. i said what i said when i was upset and i didn't think i just typed. i wasn't even mad at you when i wrote it. i also must apoligize to mike. the things i wrote to you were wrong. i shouldn't have said any of it, i guess a part of me just wants you to love me like you said you did, for things to go back to the way they were. that may or may not happen, i dunno. i do love you and want you to be happy, where ever you find that happiness. misty the same goes for you, you deserve the best, and i'm glad that you've got brian b/c he's prolly the best thing to ever happen to you. if ya'll get married i ain't wearing a pink dress. get well soon Mee-Mee. i love you
<3 alwayz