Title: This is How It Works
Disclaimer: Most of this belongs to Kripke. No money involved.
Fandom: Supernatural
Spoilers: Slight spoilers for the series so far. Nothing huge.
Rating: PG
Genre: Gen, kidfic, (with slight het)
Summary: Spending the weekend anywhere but home is a rare occurrence, mostly because getting three very different children
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Comments 11
Adding to memories.
Pure happy!
I loved this--Dean as he could be, the awesome Dad/Husband he would be--I loved how he handled each of his kids as an individual.
More? Please? Pretty please? With happy Sammy?
And possibly more.
*smishes it*
I love how your Dean never gets angry here, not even when the kids are up to mischief (re: bookmarks and standing on tables). It's the one thing that shows most clearly how much he's changed, I think.
Yeah, but think about Dean for a second. I mean...He remembers his youth well, and fondly. And he was so much worse than these kids could ever be. Messy rooms, snurched bookmarks and standing on a counter could not possibly hope to trump all that stolen food and presents on Christmas.
Dean is very aware that his kids are not bad kids.
Also, the reactions to angry!Dad!Dean are as such:
Jamie: Blank stare, and a shrug.
Matt: Lip wibble and possible tears.
Emily: Getting angry back.
It doesn't solve anything, and Dean knows it.
*smish* thanks for the feedback! *is trying to think up a follow-up of some sort*
I absolutely see this - I guess it was just so noticeable after the last couple eps that all of Dean's "default mode" aggression has been... smoothed away, over time and with love, as it were.
Also, I love the kids' reaction to Dean getting angry ;) It's adorable. And says so much about them.
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