where is my mind?

Apr 30, 2010 11:25

To Do List/ Random Thoughts Because my Brain is going Crazy

1. I need to go to the gym... or yoga. But to be honest I really don't want to. I'm tired and feeling lazy and yeah I just really don't want to go. *sigh* But I have to. I'll go to yoga.

2. I need to practice this weekend

3. I need to finish my last progression essay and turn it in for Monday.  Speaking of which, I should just suck it up and e-mail my professor that I'll be turning it in Monday. Uggles, really don't want to do that.

4. I need to edit my second progression essay and then have my professor spot check it and then turn it in to the Mercer Street Committee

5. Memorize Speech for Final

6. Start Studying for Nutrition

7. Start Studying for Music Business

8. Figure out what song I want to start with for juries....

9. Headshots got pushed back to tomorrow at 9:30AM. That's going to be difficult... especially cus I'm planning on going out tonight

10. I feel hopelessly exhausted and no matter how much sleep I get, I will be stressed and pissy

11. Maybe a little (or a lot) of alcohol will calm me down.

12. I don't think listening to The Saltwater Room by Owl City is helping my mood.

13. Still can't decide if I should go to yoga. Hmmmm..... Pros and Cons!

Pros: I'll feel better about myself. I'll be working out for an hour. I will sweat off cookies I ate last night. I will feel relaxed. I won't feel guilty about not exercising later in the day

Cons: I'm going to want to quit about 5 minutes in. I know the routine so well now that I get a bit bored. Doing chair pose really hurts my back and it's already sore. I hate half pigeon.

Aww fuck, who am I kidding? I'll just go and I'll bring my i-pod for the walk to boost my mood


random, stress, exercising, kill me now world, exhausted, vacation, homework, drunk

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