Busting Headachhh

Dec 11, 2004 20:03

There is something that I have been thinking about very seriously but I have no clue if it would look good. You see what I have been thinking about is dying my hair again lol...My hair color right now is Dark Brown it looks almost black so I was talking to mom telling her I thought that I should dye it back blonde which is its normal color. She said that if I liked the color I have now that I should keep it and instead of dying it blonde to put blonde stricks in it. Would that be a good color or what would you do if you where me I mean I do like being different from what I just to look.

At least no one thinks of me as a dumb blonde anymore. I would use to get called that a lot and they would tell jokes to hurt me. So I took and went well suppose to went black but ended up dark brown which looks like black gosh that sounded confusing. Anyways now everyone wants me to go back blonde because they say that it matches me better so I have a really hard time on deciding on what to do. Right now my head is busting its killing me I guess its where I havent gotten much sleep so when I get off of here I am thinking about taking a long long long nap lol....My flu goes away but its coming back gosh I just wished it would go away and not come back. Well im outtie for now maybe might come back on in a few days to update depends on how I am feeling.
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