It's me again long time no Chat

Apr 13, 2014 01:10

Gosh it has been so long since I wrote in my Journal I cant believe I keep forgetting my username and password lol...anyways what has been going on hmm I have been going through a lot I lost my cousin a few years ago then after I lost him then I lost his mother my aunt and shortly after that this year Jan 17th I lost my dad he had mrasa its a staff infection its the worst kind you can get.  I really miss my dad a lot but I know he is in a better place and he isn't suffering anymore I don't cry like I did when I first lost him the good Lord above took and helped me with that I now rejoice knowing that my daddy is in Heaven with Jesus.  My family me mom and my sister have been going through a lot since daddy is gone we barely making it through its really hard on mommy cause the insurance don't want to pay dads funeral which is making it hard on my mom I just wished I had a way to help her out with her finances and other things.  I tired making bracelets to sell but no one will by them I can post pics of the bracelets if you would want to see them I am selling them for 1.50 cause I have to get money to pay for shipping and handling yea it costed me 3.00 to mail two little bracelets to Ohio and I didn't get money out of them cause I made them for my husbands uncle cause they are really close to each other.

As far as writing fan fiction I been trying to get back into the mood of doing that but every time I think im getting started on a good story I just end up deleting what I had wrote I have these ideas going through my head I just cant get them to come out on paper I was wanting to write a BSB fan fiction since I like them to and never written one about them I thought I would try it well yea if I would quit deleting them maybe I would get somewhere lol if you think you would want to help me write the story or would like to write it and be in the story to just let me know and I will tell you my idea and maybe we could work on it together lol....Its 1:05 in the morning and I really should be a sleep but I am not tired im kind of sleepy but not really lol...Hopefully I wont forget my username and password anymore and I can update and add more stories for you all to read well guess I will get going got Church tonight cant wait never been to a communion and foot washing before it should be interesting.  So hopefully see you all sometime really soon and not years down the road lol...

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