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scullyseviltwin November 23 2010, 18:14:43 UTC
Friending you because I think you're stories are simply brilliant and I need more Lupin/Tonks shippers on my list! WHY ARE THERE SO FEW OF US!?!?


leigh_adams November 23 2010, 20:03:38 UTC
Wow, thank you! That's really sweet of you to say. I have to warn you, I'm a bit boring, and you'll do as well friending my fic journal, venividiscribi, which is where I archive all my writings (including Lupin/Tonks stories).

But we can be friends, if you're not warned off by my boringness!


scullyseviltwin November 23 2010, 20:11:27 UTC
Well, friending you over there too then.

And as for boring, well, we could go toe to toe in that, I'm sure.

Hope you're not warned off by excessive baseball talk and the occasional rant about politics! :)


leigh_adams November 23 2010, 20:13:54 UTC

Ahem. Sorry.

I <3 baseball, and I work in politics. Trust me, I ain't skeered.


scullyseviltwin November 23 2010, 20:17:26 UTC
Heh, I love Josh. He's possibly one of my favorite television characters of all time. Right up there with Leo McGarry.

Work in politics! How fun!

Yay for loving baseball, though, this year's World Series was just so blah to me, I kind of lost interest back in like, August (and well, not just because the Sox were out of it but...)... which is really strange for me.


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