Drabble for Keeley

Apr 30, 2009 22:28

Title: Learning the Ropes
Rating: G
Possible Spoilers/Warnings: None
Summary: If she kept the crying thing up, she was going to wake Mummy. And that simply wouldn't do.
baby_k21 requested Holly and Lottie Macmillan at any age, so this is what I came up with (and whilst slightly intoxicated, so if there are any spelling and/or grammar mistakes, blame the wine. :*).

Mummy was sleeping when Holly tiptoed her way into her parents room, intent on scoping out the newest addition to their family. Mummy had been sleeping a lot, especially since she'd come home with the new baby, and Da was constantly making sure she was feeling alright.

She peeked over the top of the bassinet and looked down at the tiny baby there, her little brown eyes blinking sleepily at her big sister. She let out a tiny sound, which made Holly glance nervously at their sleeping mother.

"Shh, Lottie, don't wake Mummy," she whispered. Despite her plea, the baby continued to whimper, her cries gradually increasing in volume.

Whimpering herself- she didn't want to get in trouble with Da for waking Lottie or Mummy- Holly reached down into the bassinet and picked up Lottie, holding her against her chest just like she'd seen Mummy and Aunt Mandy do with the babies. Casting another glance at Lisa (who slumbered on peacefully), Holly carried little Lottie out of her parents' room, down the hall and into her room.

She sat down on the bed and rocked the tiny baby, her little hand rubbing soothing circles on her sister's back. Gradually, Lottie started to quieten, her tiny mouth opening in a wide yawn.

"The most important thing to remember, Lottie," Holly said importantly as she scooted further back onto the bed and reclined amongst the numerous pillows and stuffed animals with her sister, "is to never make Mummy upset. Because if you make Mummy upset, then Da gets really upset. And when Da gets mad, you're in trouble."

Lottie yawned again, and Holly felt her own eyes starting to droop. "But if you start to cry," she said sleepily, "Da forgets he's mad at you. Mummy says it's because he loves us too much to be upset with us." She could feel her baby sister's breathing even out as she surrendered to sleep, and Holly pulled her tighter against her chest as she followed suit, lulled to sleep by the soothing rise and fall of Lottie's breaths.


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